
Sunday, April 13, 2008

I've created a monster

One of my sons is a largely introverted child. He is very analytical, loves the computer and games which include building cities. He also loves the history channel and all shows that have anything to do with the growth of civilization. I write this to explain, in part, how I have to force him outside. I've decided this spring and summer, weather permitting, all kids were going to have to play outside as often as possible.

This son is also very hesitant in trying new things. I've been encouraging bike riding for a couple years now. He knew how, he just wasn't sure of himself and refused to practice. I guess he got tired of me mentioning it so he brought his bike out to practice the other day. Yesterday, I went out and gave him a few pointers and encouraged him to just keep at it. Well he did and he gained his confidence. He then spent most of the afternoon riding his bike. Later, we went to a friend's house and he rode one of the bikes there.

This morning, he got up, checked if his sister wanted to join him and asked to go out and ride his bike. Fantastic! That's two kids down and one to go. When we get the youngest comfortable on his bike, then we will start taking short family bike rides. Small walks work but I know the bike rides would help to break up the monotony of that and it will give us all some exercise and bonding time. As a blended family, squeezing this in in a way the kids and adults are all having fun is paramount.

I'm just so happy that this long time coming confidence for this one child has finally occured. When my youngest is ready, we'll get working with him too. I imagine, though, it will be soon this summer. He's not one to sit and let his siblings to be able to do something that he can't.

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