
Wednesday, June 4, 2008

Dbl Wed Ring - Part 3

IT WORKED! The prayer worked. Thank you Quilting Godesses!

After I last posted, I had yet another error while trying to piece the next rows together. I pinned the two all nice and proceeded to sewing, removing the pins as I went. I got to the end (mind you I'm working on a king size quilt top here) and found I ran out of bobbin thread about 12 inches in from starting edge. Needless to say, I had to go back and repin the entire row again.

Just as I starting thinking I should erase my previous prayer (I don't want others to try something I can't even say worked for me), I had an insight to my pinning. I realized my points weren't matching previously because I wasn't pinning correctly. I should have been pinning straight up and down at the seams that should match but instead pinned at an angle which then allowed the seams to pull apart. It was such a "duh" moment I had to call myself the idiot I was.

That meant, however, my running out of bobbin thread was actually a good thin b/c I had pinned incorrectly, then came and posted my prayer, then went to sew. The Quilting Godesses WERE listening and DID assist me. PHEW!

I was able to finish connecting the last two row sections and now, I have the top completely pieced. It's on to quilting it next but I still need to wait for my backing fabric to arrive from the store. A couple more days of rest and then I might say another variation of that prayer to ensure the quilting is smooth and without incident.

Cheers! :)

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