
Friday, July 25, 2008

Quillow Instructions - Part 1

Materials (all are approximate measurements for a quillow which measures 40”x36”:
½ yd blue star fabric
1/3 yd white dot fabric
1 1/3 yd white butterfly fabric
1 yd red fabric
1 1/3 yd light blue fabric

NOTE: all sewing should be done with a ¼” seam allowance.
9, 4 ¾”squares from red
18, 1 ¼” x 5 ¼” strips from white dot fabric
18, 1 ¼” x 6 ¾” strips from white dot fabric
47, 3 ½” x 3 ½” light blue squares
24, 3 ½” x 3 ½” white butterfly squares
23, 3 ½” x 3 ½” blue star squares

1) Put 1 butterfly square and 1 light blue square right sides together, draw a diagonal line from one corner to another on the wrong side of one of the fabrics. Do the same for all butterfly squares and a light blue square until there aren’t any more butterfly squares. Repeat this process for all blue star squares using a blue star square and a light blue square.

2) Sew diagonally, ¼” distance from, but parallel to, the drawn line.

To ensure consistency, I had to mark a permanent line on my presser foot at the ¼” from center needle position. I did this for right and left side. This may be hard to see in the pictures but it helps me sew straighter.)

Do this on both sides of the line and for all square pairs and press to set all sewing. I like to chain stitch this portion to keep it moving quickly.

3) Press to set all sewing then cut along the diagonal line of all squares.

4) Press open triangles, pressing toward light blue fabric. Be careful to press open lightly and not iron so you do not distort the shape of the triangles.
Trim off excess triangle points so the square, when laid opened has straight edges. 5) Create 2-square sets by putting two white butterfly squares right sides together, matching diagonal seams, and sewing along the right side. The fabrics should alternate between butterfly and light blue without same colors touching each other. You will repeat this step until all butterfly squares are used and you will repeat it with all blue star squares also. Press open.

6) Now, take a 2-square set and put it right side together with another 2-square set to create your pinwheel block. Match center straight seams, sew together and press open. Be sure to sew the correct side to ensure the pinwheel comes out correctly when opened. Keep all butterfly square sets joined with other butterfly sets and blue stars with blue stars.

7) If necessary, trim red squares smaller to allow for finished size (once white strips are added) to be the same as finished pinwheel squares. Sew 1 ½” x 4 ¾” strips to two opposite sides of the red squares, press open and trim off any excess fabric.
8) Sew longer strips to remaining two sides of the red squares, press open. Trim off any excess fabric.

9) Arrange squares in the pattern of your choice. I use an open area on the floor to lay them out and visualize my options. Once satisfied, pick up squares in a set order. (For me this step is very important. I always pick up left to right and have the left edge on top of the pile. This avoids me mixing them up. I keep the row piles separate but also in order.) Sew up rows in the order squares were laid, pressing open each sewn block set before adding another square. A helpful note, if you can remember to, always press the seams in the same direction along an individual row but alternating to the opposite direction for the next row. For example, my first row has all seams from the sewn blocks pressed toward the right side of the quillow. My second row h as all block seams set toward the left side of the quillow. Row 3, right side, row 4, left, and so on. When I later sew the rows together, I can match these seams for each block- the will lay flat and butt up against each other (or I can stretch a little here and there if necessary) creating sharp corners on my finished top.

(See Part 2 for finishing this quillow.)

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