
Sunday, October 26, 2008

update on, well what else, me!

I've been at it like mad and trying to catch up on my projects. I think my timelines were ambitious, though. Here's where I'm at today.

J's quilt top - DONE
K's quilt top - DONE
colored psalm blocks for bible study - caught up (will be weekly blocks for 29 more weeks)
2 Mystery qulit tops - almost done, just need borders.
F's top is roughly designed, just searching for and buying fabrics now.

I still don't know what I'm going to do with the mystery quilts except as I've been sewing one, a pink one, I've been thinking it would be nice to send to an acquaintance of mine in honor of her mother who passed from breast cancer and who is participating in the Breast Cancer Walk for a Cure this weekend in GA. I'm wondering if she'd think it was nice to have a remembrence quilt to wrap up with her daughter in and tell stories of her mom. I don't know. I plan to contact her DH and seek his thoughts on this before I do.

I'll be gone most of today but when I get home, I'm going to get the fabric cut for S' quilt. Tomorrow, I plan to get downstairs and start working that mid-arm. I'll save the sewing of S' quilt for the weekend when I can sew and watch football and the mid-arm stuff for weekday. I HAVE to get moving on these.

Oh, and I feel guilty although I know I shouldn't, my sis just asked if I thought I could get a particular quilt done for Xmas for her partner. I had to tell her I didn't think so. I know once basketball season starts in a couple weeks my time will be gone but I still feel like I should try. -sigh- we'll see. If I finish the others, I'll add this in, if not, no harm.

So, that's that.

Oh, and I am adding this
to my to do list once it gets here. This will replace my wall of shame quilt through the Christmas season, at least.

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