
Monday, March 16, 2009

Browsing blogs

Have you ever found yourself lost in the internet world? Tonight, as I thought about finishing one of the dozens of projects I feel are in various stages of completion, I wandered around the world wide web. It started simply enough, one or two blogs off the quilter's community links I have in my blog.

But those blogs often have links and I go visit, then I visit the links in those blogs and so on and so forth. On and on I read. As it stands, I've got 5 windows open and it looks like I might have many more to come. I've successfully passed a couple hours in this manner tonight.

There are a couple opinions I have solidified during my browsing, however, and I want to share those.

1) I truly dislike the hexagon quilts. Old, new, all of them. Granted, some can look appealing and pretty but I just dislike the shape. I never thought I would have an opinion about a shape but there it is, I do. The more of those quilts I see, the more I just dislike them. I feel so bad too because I know the quilter put a lot of work into it and I'm just an unappreciative observer.

2) I will one day create a quilt with mini-squares/triangles/sashing. They are just too cute not to. Plus, I can hand piece for years this way at the airport, around the house when I don't want to work on a machine. lol

3) I really like applique...when it's completed by someone else.

4) I wonder how everyone seems to have so much time to take care of house, family and get all these projects finished I see on their sites.


  1. We don't clean our houses and our kids barely get fed... that's how we get stuff done!
    Actually, I often think the same thing.

  2. Anonymous3/17/2009

    LMAO!!!!! i like applique .. on other people's quilts too! That statement really struck home for me :)

    well said :D :D :D


  3. I love browsing blogs and it helps me know myself as well.
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