
Sunday, April 5, 2009

Meet Ms. Midge & Mr. Sumo Wrestler

Why don't I listen? I've said it before, I'll say it again, my kids' habits don't differ much from mom's. -sigh-

I've read on various message boards I'm on about tryig to quilt with bulky seams. Since I've made quilts that have had the occasional bulky seam, I've read all the frustrations with a little bit of incomprehension. I mean, I've managed to quilt over my few okay. But still, I have tried to be neater in my whole sewing process to try to avoid these.

Nonetheless, when participating in a mystery quilt challenge, instructions were to press open. It led to a nice discussion about where/why/machine sewing/quilting vs hand. Very imformative and one I probably would have recalled when making this top.

Well, one I would have recalled when making this top IF I hadn't already made this top prior to the discussion! This top, with seams all folded in one direction or another.

Yes, all those triangles.

Considering, I thought it wasn't bulky at all. That is, until I loaded it up on my frame and started to run my mid-arm sewing partner (Ms. Midge) over it.

Yes, you read that correctly and that's because I feel like I am trying to drive a little Honda Civic over a fallen pine tree in some places! I SWEAR the seams were NOT that bulky.

So I stop with needle up for a change and my middy partner rolls away from me all by itself. Uh hello? That bitchy girl is supposed to stay in place. It's the least she can do for all the patience, understanding and acceptance I have given her for all the thread shredding mood swings she's had!

But NO. Apparently, unbeknowst to me, she was a little miffed I had take such a lengthy hiatus from her and hadn't shown her any attention since before Christmas and therefore, struck a pact with the frame. I didn't realize my frame was waiting to choose sides but now that he has, he is officially named the "Sumo Wrestler."

I know, odd name but hear me out. It's appropriate. His CONSIDERABLE weight had to shift the carpet fibers and enable the flooring underneath to settle just so to become uneven. I leveled him off when I set him up so this, this was deliberate. (Now that I'm thinking about it, I really believe there's more going on between Ms. Midge and Sumo Wrestler. They are awfully good partners...)

Anyway, back on topic. Between the seams which sometimes were slightly bulky and Ms. Midge's & Sumo Wrestler's designes, this top is NOT in good shape. I was hoping to be able to quilt the design my son and I picked out together (since it's his quilt) but after 4 tries and 4 required frogging sessions, I have resigned myself to it not working.

I need to level the frame, for one thing, but right now, with the seams also part of the problem, I've decidide a stipple in the large red triangles, some sort of geometric (manly-looking) border design and a shadow SID in the geese triangles is the way to go. For the red squares in the sashing, a simple design. Now to tell son.

Bottom line, I'm still my inner child and I must do it my own way, incorrectly, instead of learning well from others' mistakes.

Of course, that also means I can have ice cream for dinner as any lovely child would want! -wink-


  1. Anonymous4/05/2009


    pesky inanimate objects aren't they .. LOL midge n sumo


    gracequilts at

  2. I tried pressing the seams on a nine patch open...what a difference! I am going to try flying geese next. It does take some manipulating...but worth it.
    The nine patch is the first in the basic class I am is the pinwheel, then the flying geese...last is a drunkard's path. By then these folks should have enough confidence to do any kind of piecing.
