
Friday, August 28, 2009

Football, Food, Dogs, Kids, Work... Quilt?

Did I say I was back? I did, didn't I? Okay, maybe I should re-iterate so I can believe it myself.

I am back.

While I haven't been posting much, I am squeezing in some quilting with my daily activities and this week, especially, now that I've gotten in the groove of a schedule.

I quilted and am now binding a charity quilt. It's slow going b/c I keep it in the back of the car and bind while I'm at my son's football practice. However, I'm also dropping off and picking up 2 other kids at 2 other activities during that time so... there's a smal window to bind. However, it is getting done whereas at home, it wasn't.

It wasn't being completed at home because I've already loaded another quilt on the frame & started quilting and I'm getting ready to start cutting that baby airplane quilt from a few posts ago. I'm trying to be productive whenever I can and the only way I can do that is to have these things set to go when I am.

Pictures will be coming soon, I promise.

The rest of the title? Kids started school a couple weeks ago along with all their activities. We are enjoying all our time together, though even if the days disappear fast. Dogs are same as always but I've started getting their hunt training going again. This, too, is slow moving considering the short days but it's not being ignored so I'm happy. Work has also been unusually busy for this time of year/month. I am surprised I hvae enough minutes to spare today to post this.

Finally, FOOD. I want to devote a little time to writing about food today. I've been experimenting again. DH hunted some wild boar and tagged one last winter. 350lbs of pork. Some of it didn't come home, but at least 1/2 did. My freezer is full of pork. I have been exerimenting with various recipes since I typically think pork is B-O-R-I-N-G. (Seriously, he could have gone out and killed a big Hereford Bull and I'd not be scrambling to find interesting ways to eat it. Red meat is good to me as is.)

I have found a couple keepers and one that wasn't so good. I will be posting these over the next couple weeks so I wanted to warn you in advance. In the meantime, I'm going to leave you with 3 links to recipes I saw today on the Food Network which I've decided I must try (only 1 relates to pork.)

Garlic Cheese Biscuits
Short Ribs with Tagliatelle
Lobster Pot Pie

Enjoy and check back soon for quilt pictures.

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