
Saturday, October 31, 2009

Happy Halloween!

Just a short non-quilty post to say Happy Halloween!

My girl just received the sacrament of Confirmation this morning. Congratulations K!

My eldest son (12) decided he didn't want to dress up and trick-or-treat but wanted to decorate so he and my younger son (9) went at it with the fake spiderwebs.

We will be picking up 2 pumpkins to carve this aftenroon to add to the decorations.

My younger son wanted to be a quilt for Halloween. Isn't that a hoot! So, we used the quilt he made and the quillow I made as a tutorial a while back, pinned em together and voila! His costume is done. I didn't want a bar to make it look like a hanging quilt, he wanted to have it drape like a poncho. Here's what he'll be walking around in tonight. I love this kid!

A picture of the newest mug in my growing collection.

Finally, a photo of each the dogs who take up so much of my time these days.

Buddy (6yr old Cocker Spaniel)

Jo-Jo (21 mo. Viszla)

Sasha (19mo. Viszla/Lab)
Remember, have a happy and safe Halloween!

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