
Friday, October 2, 2009

One week quilt marathon - Part 2

My second quilt of the week is my aunt's quilt. For her 70th birthday the family is surprising her this weekend. I won't be able to attend so I was determined to finish this quilt on time to get it to her.

It's a memory quilt but in a gentle way. "Memory light," if you will. I call it such because it's not full of memories, just random ones from family which can remind her of fun or silly times. There's not really one serious thing in there except her committment to service.

I was going to make it puzzle-like, with clues to the memories but I just wasn't feeling it, even after my friends at my OST Yahoo group and my family assisted. So, more straight pictures/print outs. I like it so no complaints.
I did a simple meandering but also threw in some feathering (a first!) for practice.
Finally, instead of a label, I wrote directly on the back of the quilt. I felt it was more in line with the fun theme on the front.
I hope she likes it!

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