
Friday, November 20, 2009

Pink quilt- complete

I'm finally getting around to posting photos of this quilt. I had given you a teaser a while back but here it finally is.

This quilt started as a mystery challenge off my OST Yahoo Group. I had a bunch of fabric from my mom and decided to use some of it for the mystery. While I'm not a huge fan of pink, I love the way it came together.
At the same time this mystery started, an old friend of mine reached out for donations for a breast cancer walk. His wife (another old acquaintance) and he were walking in memory of her mom.

As I was working the mystery, I couldn't stop thinking about her mom (I also knew her through my friends) and their little daughter and as I stitched, it became more and more apparent to me where this quilt should go. I continued working on it and the idea hung into it strong so I reached out to Brian and asked him if he thought the quilt would be a nice gift for his wife and daughter or if it would bring painful memories. He confirmed it was a good idea.

Fast forward... 1 year later I am finally finished. Many other tasks and life got in the way and I wanted to quilt it well so preferred to practice on my kids' quilts before I loaded this one. As I quilted, memories of her mom, the few I had, floated in and out. Images of Liz and her daughter Ana, snuggled under the quilt and talking of grandma also floated in my head.

It became apparent to me this quilt was a labor of love - and not mine. I put care into this one but someone else was putting the love into it. I have no doubt Liz's mom was stitching in her heart and hugs through me. None at all.

I bound it, attached a label, sent a card explaining this journey and pray they can feel the love of mom/grandma in it.

This one, this one is special to me despite it's simplicity in design.
Hmm, now there's a peach twin size one of these (I did 2 at the same time) that I have to find a home for. One thing at a time.


  1. Carmen Thomas11/20/2009

    Wow, I was very moved by this journey of yours :) and what a great job on the quilting! I remember when you started both of them and it is a joy to see this one complete and ready for its journey home!

  2. This is lovely! I have visions of a pink and cream drunkard's path somewhere in my far out I don't know...great job and lovely post.

  3. You did a wonderful job on the quilt and the quilting. The colors worked out great.
