
Tuesday, December 29, 2009


So yesterday was my 36th birthday and I wanted to quietly celebrate with this giveaway because it was may birthday and it might be my 100th blog post. Might be only means that my dashboard says I have 99 posts but when I look at my labels it only adds up to 98. So, I figure between this post and my announcement of the winners, I'll still have reached my 100th post.

Did I lose you? No? Well, let's continue then.

So, I'm celebrating both little milestones with a give-away. Problem is, I wanted to give away something different, fun, unique. I couldn't decide on just one thing so here is a BUNDLED giveaway. I want to see what all this giveaway fuss is about. :)

First, you get amusing little anecdotes from Helen Kelley.
Next, a pattern booklet (contains 2 patterns) for strip scrap quilting.

Third, a cute little sewing kit for fun little sewer in you.

Finally, if you trust me, you get my services! I will offer you my quilting services. DISCLAIMER:
I am not a professional longarm quilter. I have a mid-arm machine and I would qualify myself as an advanced beginner.

That said, here's the parameters of what I'm offering. I will quilt pieces of fleece for you or a finished top to a fleece back (no batting). (FYI, an anti-pill fleece works best with a pieced top.) I will work with you to determine what you'd like done within my capablities. In other words, this will not be show material. This will be a lovely "I get to use and abuse it," quilt.

Why am I offering this? I get to practice and you get to enjoy a the coziness of quilted fleece! My thought, you send me what you want done, we'll arrange the simple details and I'll send you final product. Here's a link to 2 webshot albums of mine with my work with fleece.

2-sided fleece pieced top/fleece back

So, are you in? Do you want to participate? The rules:

1 - leave a comment to this post answering the following question, "what is your favorite quilting memory?" (this gets you 1 entry)

2 - spread the word by linking to this post (this will get you a second entry) - BE SURE TO TELL ME you've done this in your comment reply, please or email me.

3 - check back to see who won on the end date.

END DATE for entries will be JANUARY 1 at 9pm ET. I will post the winner after that time or at the latest, Jan. 2. I will mail items the following week (traveling over the weekend.)

Good luck!


  1. Happy Birthday. And what fun with celebrating your birthday and 100th (or 99th or 98th) post with a delightful giveaway. Count me in.

    Hymm. A favorite quilting memory....
    When I was very young and single my boyfriend had a new condo with minimal furniture, decorations, blankets. I decided to make him a king size blanket. Keep in mind this was before rotary cutters, rulers, etc. By the time I finished the quilt we had broke up, but I still gave it to him. Much later, he shared that when in bed with someone they rolled over and were pricked by a pin I had accidently left in the quilt. Hymm. Accident ???{yes}.


  2. Happy Birthday and congrats on reaching your 100th on Blogdom.

    I've only been quilting less than 10yrs so not many memories. But I did make both of my DD's Christmas mantel scarfs ... much prized possessions. thanks

  3. Wow Happy Birthday and congrats on your 100th post! What a great giveaway offer.

    My favorite quilting memory has to be when my BFF and I made matching Pine Tree quilts. I was visiting her and we stayed up, talked, sewed, laughed, ate, sewed, laughed some more. We were up til very late every night, but it was a wonderful time together and we love the quilts we made! Thanks so much for your very generous giveaway.

  4. Hello, happy 98, 99 and 100th post, and happy birthday!!!, we're close in age, but shup enough said, lol, please enter me in your give away, now I'll respond: "what is your favorite quilting memory?", my sweet grandma used to quilt, I'm talking about more than 50 years ago, she introduced me to the craft and quilting world, she taugh me about how to quilt briefly, I have the bug since then, but I became an official quilter about 2 years ago. My gradma isn't longer with us. Some of her art still exists, and I'm the proud owner of one of her bags!

  5. i adore your posts on your blog, your emails on the list and i do mention you to various quilty friends. i dont have a blog. but the best picture to me on your blog is of the cat with the man, the cat has approved the garmet and claimed it as well. i would be delirious to win anything. but a cat kiss and purr means so much

  6. Happy Birthday! I just started working in quilting, so I have not a favorite quilting memory.
    I put a link on my sidebar.

  7. Congrats!!!
    What a fantastic giveaway!
    I have never thought of fleece on the back of a quilt but this would be perfect for cuddle quilts for my grandkids.

    My favorite quilting memory is when I was about 3 or 4, sleeping under an appliqued quilt made by my great grandmother. I remember being fascinated by the colors and patterns of the fabric flowers and running my fingers along the bias stems. I attribute my love of that quilt with my love of quilting now. That quilt was destroyed in a fire when I was in high school but it lives on in my memory. I wish I could thank that lovely lady for the gift she gave me, but I never met her. Quilts truely are gifts of love.

    Sue Cahill (sbonetsue at yahoo dot com)

  8. Just ONE of those gifties would be absolutely WONDERFUL... but ALL OF THEM!?!?! *VBG*

    I made my first quilt in 2003, for my youngest son. It was a hand cut, with cardboard templates - using recycled old jeans and my son and I BOTH worked on stretching that double sized quilt back, on our floor, we BOTH added the batting and we BOTH stretched the top and flattened it out. Then, we BOTH hand tied it, with red wool.

    I like to think that he appreciated his quilt more... seeing as HE participated with the makings of it. Plus, we got to spend some quality time together. *grin*

    Rosa Robichaud
    Saint John, New Brunswick

  9. What fun!!! And happy birthday - those are always fun too.

    My favorite quilting memory is when I first was learning to quilt, an "old" farmer's wife gave me lessons - she said to pick out a pattern and gather scraps from friends and from my sewing. I did both - but she didn't tell me to pick a pattern that did NOT have curved seams. I sure learned to unsew on that quilt - but it turned out wonderful and I still have it - 40 years later.

  10. Happy Birthday. My best memories are of all the women I have met through my guilds, shows, quilt shops, etc. They will start talking anywhere, and are an easy bunch to visit with because we all have the same passion---quilting. Of course, others look away in boredom, but we gals are animated about our avocation.
    Most of us have lots of UFOs and messy sewing rooms---see I am normal---and we care about others. Patti (no blog)

  11. I too am a Dec, baby..but much, much older :_)..My favorite quilting memory is sleeping under a wonderful yellow and white quilt at my husband's grandmother's home which was a homestead cabin they had lived in on the Eastern plains of Colorado and then rolled into town on logs..Later the next day she told me how and when she had pieced the cold and wind. The name of that special quilt was Rocky Road!!
    I would love to win your giveaway..that sweet sewing kit might be just right for getting my darling granddaughter started. Thanks and continued good luck in your blog!!

  12. Happy birthday, you baby you...just barely older than my dd! My favorite moment in quilting has to be when my Great Aunt and Grandma both told me to save my scraps from sewing my clothes, I was in 4-H and about 10 at the time, so that I could make quilts. (My first quilt, made while I was pregnant with said dd, has many of those scraps!)

    Dorothy S
    Sterling, CO

  13. Happy Birthday and congrats on your post. You meet so many wonderful people out here.

    My favorite quilting memory was when I got my grandmothers quilt that she had made for me (top only). I had to fix the frays on some of the pieces and then I hand quilted it.....the whole while I could only think of my grandmothers hands making this top for me.....

    I will post for you.

  14. HAPPY BIRTHDAT and congratulations on your 100th post. One of my favorite memories is when my Grandma gave me a double wedding ring that she hand-pieced and another when I was featured quilter at our guild quilt show.

  15. Happy Birthday and Congratulations!! My favorite quilting memory is when I took a hand quilting class and found out I could really QUILT and not just piece.

  16. don't have to think about this - my grandchildren and I quilted together one summer - we cut blocks, both hand and machine stitched some of them - we made at least six lap quilts in the 3 week visit, they were 6 and 9 - one of the best visits we ever had

  17. Happy Birthday to you! My fondest memory about quilting is why I first started piecing quilts. My favorite aunt was piecing by hand and I said that there had to be a better way. She challenged me to prove it. At the time, my only sewing experience was via home economics in high school. While shopping with my mom, we came upon a great little quilt store which had everything from fabric, rulers, patterns and classes. My first class was a log cabin quilt and then a double wedding ring quilt. I was the only student to finish the wedding ring....LOL....when I showed my aunt how easy it was, she was hooked. After her death a few years ago, each time that I come across a new method or design, I always think of her and how much she would have loved these wonderful gadgets, tools and software.

  18. Happy birthday to you! My favorite quilting memory is actually of quilting memories! Many years ago, I cut up all the leftover fabric from all the sewing I did for my daughter when she was little, and form that I made a huge quilt for her.

    Lovely giveaway, and the quilting services would be a fabulous prize to win...I've been looking for someone to do the quilting for me on a charity quilt!

    Happy new year!


  19. First of all, anyone with the name the Sarcastic Quilter is a friend of mine. My boys say they had ASD: Acute Sarcasm Disorder, which they got from me!

    I guess my favorite quilting story is about the first quilt I made, a simple patchwork out of scraps and pieces of clothing. That was 37 years ago. My son still uses it, and I have had to patch it for him several times. He doesn't want a new one. He says he is really attached to this one; it's big and soft.

    Oh, I've signed up as a follower.

  20. I put a link on my blog to yours for the giveaway.

  21. Happy Birthday and Great Blogging whether it be 98,99, or 100. You give-a-way is most generous, thank you. I am in my 70's and only quilting for about 3 years and I sure am hooked. Not an awful lot of memories yet but I am working on it. Grandson # 3 was off to college this year and I made him a memory quilt from his sweatshirts. They range from Little League up to this years baseball. I found material online that was for the college so I bought 6 yds. I sashed with it and also put it on the back. It came out soooo good, I was so pleased with it.. When I gave it to him, we both got teary eyed and he told me he wasn't going to take it to school because he was afraid someone would take it. I told I made it to keep your warm, but he said no Nana, this goes on the wall in my room and someday I will tell my children about it and the great Nana that made it. It was well worth all the worklitence

  22. 36??? Why, you are still a baby! I hope it is your finest year yet.
    Here's my memory: before my Mom passed away, we spent the 80's exchanging basket and flower blocks in fabrics we chose together - peach and blue, naturally, it was the 80's. The blocks were passable. I finally put my half together years after my Mom died and presented the quilt to my sister for her 60th birthday with a jesting note about how Mom was still celebrating with her. Secretly, I was delighted to be finished with all those blocks. Later that year for my birthday, my sister packed up and mailed to me the other half of the blocks she had salvedged from Mom's estate! They're baaaack!
    Enjoy your blogging. Maggie

  23. Happy Birthday! And congrat's on your 100th post! My favorite memory was when my mom came to visit us and we bought fabric and cut out kits of the same pattern for each of us. Then when she left we kept each other motivated by letter and phone call (no computers then) to get our tops done and she hand quilted mine for me. :-)

  24. Happy Birthday and congrats on your 100th post.
    It's always fun to meet other quilters. Nice to meet you.
    My favorite quilt memory is making a quilt and quilted jacket for my mother. She loved them both and when she passed away I received both of them back to cherish. Thanks for the great giveaway.

  25. happy birthday and congratulations!
    fave quilting memory? my first full sized quilt made for my mum's 80th birthday - she died in 2000 and i have the quilt with me now
    gill x

  26. I already put the button on my sidebar, with the link to your blog, will be the first comment for the 2010?. Happy New Year, I already said happy birthday and happy 100th post!!

  27. Happy birthday.

    My favorite quilting memory is getting to sew with my best friend Laura who I had not seen in 12 years this past August. She started making quilts because I always talked about how much fun it was.

  28. :O) Gelukkig Nieuw Jaar (O:
    What a gorgeous giveaway! I've never seen something like that cute little purse. And what a great offer to fleece quilt a quilt. I have never tried it, but have seen and felt it. So nice and cosy and soft.
    Isn't blogging just a wonderful way to spend your time, meeting so many sweet and kind people and getting isnpired.
    My favorite quilting memory. Mmmmm, never thought about that one. Well, I think it is the time I really started doing this intensively and doing so, helped me to get out of my severe depression. I have noticed, that when I start getting that depressed feel again, I haven't quilted for quite a while, so I make time for it over and over again (O: And that definitely makes me feel good!

  29. Super generous giveaway! I've not done any fleece quilts, only the tied fleece blankets but would love to win!

    Memory: One time in my life when I was feeling overwhelmed and underappreciated (six kids), I took an adult ed class for quilting. I had quilted before but the old fashioned way of scissors, templates etc. WOW! the strides made with the rotary cutter! That class was so liberating for me! I had ME time and I loved the ease for creative outlets the rotary/strip piecing afforded....I haven't looked back!
