
Friday, January 15, 2010

EQ6 fun

I was playing around with EQ6 for fun yesterday. Here are some of my creations just because I think it's time I posted something colorful and with less words.

Colored Triangles:

Easter Parade

Pretty in Pink or Pepto Bismal?

Which way out?

Lavender Fields


  1. Wow! I got this software for Christmas, and am a bit overwhelmed by it. It's amazing what you've done! I hope I can learn how to do that soon...


  2. How fun! I like the first one. :-)

  3. How pretty- I like them all. I have the software but don't play much.

  4. Michele1/15/2010

    I really like the first one-I think I would try it with B&W prints for the background. And Pretty in Pink has a ton of potential.....great for using up all those Kaffe stripes. It could go together in a snap.
    Thanks for sharing.

  5. AMW - I'm sure you can learn it. I went through the book up to about ch. 4 then just started playing. when I find I want to try something more intricate, I then go reference the book. I find playing in it teaches me faster. ;)

    thanks Mary and Call me crazy!

    Michele- that's a good idea!

  6. Looks like you are having fun!!

  7. You did a great job. Thanks for sharing. Isn't it fun to play with EQ6? I love how easy it is to learn and use....anyone (even me) can do it.


  8. Awesome looking fun! I'd like to get one of those programs one day... When the PhDs are ALL caught up!!! 8-)
    Happy stitchings!
