
Monday, January 11, 2010

She finally received the Pink Quilt!

This shall be the last post on the subject but I was once amazed at how God and our loved ones can work to get messages to us from the other side. A couple months ago I wrote about the Pink Quilt and sending it along to its home.

I didn't hear anything for a long time but turns out, that's because her husband (who knew I was sending it) held on to it until Christmas day. Last week, I received this note from the recipient and wanted you to hear the end of the story as I did. With her permission, here's the email I received.

Thank you so much for the beautiful quilt! Brian said that you sent the quilt much earlier, but he didn't give it to me until Christmas.

It is amazing of you to give it to me in honor of my mom. You may not know that she was an accomplished seamstress and wanted to learn to quilt, but never got the chance. Ana now sleeps with it on her bed (there was zero chance I would get it for mine after she saw it) and it is like you sent Ana a quilt from my mom. Also amazing is that the quilting pattern you used has daisies in it with the ribbons. Daisies were my mom's favorite flower and I couldn't believe they were sewn into the quilt! Thank you so much for this precious gift- I am crying again as I type this note- it means so much to me to know that she is remembered by so many people and that she is still working through all of us. I hope that you will have a chance to meet A and see your quilt "in action". I will have Brian post some pictures on Facebook so you can see how beautiful it is on her bed. Thank you again.

One of the great things this note tells me and the reply I sent to Liz is that that from the time the idea took hold, the quilting design is not my normal go to motif. I told Liz I really thought her mom finally quilted and did send the gift directly to Ana.

So there you have it, "the rest of the story." Happy Monday everyone!

ps - this is the quilt at the top of my blog page


  1. Anonymous1/11/2010

    Aw, so sweet.

  2. Anonymous1/11/2010

    Becky, that surely brought tears to my eyes also. What a legacy for you to have participated in for your friend and her family. Truly a rewarding journey!
    Carmen from AK :)

  3. That is a wonderful are totally awesome!! Touching the lives of others...that is what quilters do!

  4. I've always said that our quilting craft means so much more than threads and cloth. Thank you for sharing a wonderful story!
