
Monday, February 15, 2010

The Winner!

The One World One Heart Blogging event hosted by Lisa Swifka has come to an end. So first and foremost, THANK YOU ALL WHO VISITED AND LEFT SUCH GENEROUS COMMENTS. I wish I could reply to each of you individually but it just wasn't possible for me.

I'm very pleased to say I visited every blog on my magic carpet ride. This prompted my husband to say I was addicted to my laptop (which I was for a short time!)

I entered a few giveaways, bookmarked many more blogs and made a few new friends in the process which is what this whole event is about. I feel privileged to be a part of this event and as long as Lisa can host this, I'll participate!  THANK YOU, LISA.

On to what you really want to know. I used the random number generator to choose the winner out of all my commentors and the winner is:

125:  Chelle said...

How pretty. I would love to be entered into you drawing. So glad OWOH brought me to your blog. :-)

CONGRATULATIONS MICHELLE, I'll email you to work out the details.

Cheers! Beck

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