
Sunday, March 21, 2010

Bento Box Top complete. Maybe.

Yes, I did it! In one day, I cut and pieced a bento box top. I like it but the jury is still out as to whether I will add a border or two. The pattern doesn't call for it and I need a night to sleep on it and look at it again to see if I am good with that or feel it needs a finish. I'm leaning towards being good with it for laziness sake. :)

What do you think? It's definately a lot more yellow than I've ever used!

ETA: I slept on it and woke up feeling it needed a border and the green fabric that was going to be the backing and binding is going to be it. Maybe a simple 3" strip all the way around or maybe this border pattern which Judy Laquirada so kindly posted a tuturial for. I could intersperse it with leftover whites if I have enough. 

Next goal, have quilted by Friday. A bold goal considering there's something else on the frame now that hasn't even been started.


  1. Ok, firstly if you insist on making a quilt in ONE day I cannot comment on both posts about it because of the time difference.

    I just got home from work (nobody else is home and it's so bloody peaceful here -even the dogs are behaving themselves ) opened up my dashboard, saw you were planning a quilt , thought I'll comment on that in a sec and 10 seconds later saw you had finished it.

    Love the quilt! I can imagine you snuggled under it, snogging wine. I think you totally pulled this quilt off, and I am hereby dubbing you my Legend of the Week.

    Now chuck it on the quilting machine and call me up when you're ready to crack open the bottle.

  2. Wow! One day, huh? You are very ambitious. Lane

  3. This is a very happy quilt. I think the simple green border will look great. Though I think the pieced border is fun.

  4. Your quilt is very pretty and love the blue and yellow combo. Thanks for stopping by my blog and leaving a comment. :)

  5. I like your bento box quilt. I started one about a month ago and it almost made me want to puke, so I went on to something else. I fully intend to give it another go with different fabrics. And how the heck do you get one done in a day? I have a couple things in the works that I keep working on, but the fact that they're not done yet is starting to tick me off. Anyway, this is my first visit, but I'll be back. Cheers!
