
Tuesday, March 9, 2010

Did I say I liked paper-piecing?

I do. I love it. Most of the time I don't mind cutting for it but this past weekend, I cut.

and cut...

and cut....

and cut. This

will soon turn into a king-sized version of this.

Lord help me, it was a lot of cutting and I still have 2 more colors to go.

And just so you know, a year long project, with months in between and a two-state move, leave nicely cut strips looking like this.

It's a good thing that I am paper-piecing because even with some of the fray not trimmed off, the block still comes out looking sharp.

I really need to get moving to finish the pineapple quilt before June! 

Still, aside from all the cutting, I love the sharp, crisp look paper-piecing gives me at the end of the day, especially when I use easy tearing tracing paper! 

My next 1.5 weeks will be spent sewing as many paper-pieced blocks as I can because March Madness is about to commence and frankly, it's hard to keep me away from a television.  Woo-hoo!!


  1. Wow...that is alot of work. I actually do not care for paper piecing....but maybe with the right paper on the back it would be better.

    Your pineapple quilt is looking so awesome!!

  2. Holy smokes! I love the Beyer quilt, but what a lot of cutting!

    Have fun piecing... and piecing... and piecing... and...

  3. wow! That is A LOT!!!!!!!!! You go! =) I only like to paper piece in moderation ;) It will def be a beautiful quilt!

  4. What an incredible quilt, what is the name of it? I love the result of paper pieced quilts, just not tearing off the paper when you're done. I've learned very tiny stitches helps, makes more holes in the paper. Can't wait to see the results!!

  5. Forgive my ignorance but what is March Madness? (Stoopid Aussie here )

    Your pineapple quilt looks beautiful! Complicated?

    I enjoyed foundation piecing when I did it last year. I must give paper piecing a go.

  6. The quilt is called Simmering Sea. I have been working on the king size on and off for a year. I need to finish it by Christmas this year. I told my daughter and her husband it was for their birthdays and Christmases. It is my first paper-pieced project but I am having a good time.

    I too like the pineapple quilt.

  7. Oh my, that is going to be a stunner! Paper piecing is fun for me now that I've done it for a while. Can't wait to watch your progress.

  8. I love paper piecing and really love the quilt you are about to do. I have looked at something similar since I first saw it on Simply Quilts years ago. However, I really hate to cut fabric, so I am very impressed with how you prepare to sew.

  9. Anonymous3/13/2010

    That block is beautiful!!!

  10. When Darling Hubby (yes I said DH) did the paper pieced JB ish one , it was from a pattern called Austrailan Oddessy..he did it in reds and white, yellow & black. Named his Wind Spinners and it has won ribbon awards and been juried into art shows. SO when your king size is done you will have lots MORE fun to look forward to!!
