
Tuesday, March 2, 2010

Speaking of Quilting Errors, have you heard the one

about the person who can't think in "math terms"?  No? Well, let me tell you. What happened is this person designed the following tablerunner for the OWOH giveaway winner (who didn't sew or quilt so we agreed I'd create a runner for her).


Looks pretty cool, doesn't it? My winner thought so as well. Final size was to be somewhere around 14" square which means roughly 3" blocks.

Think about that for a minute.

Do you see the dilemma I failed to realize until I started printing the foundation pattern for the fans?

3" is teeny-tiny, my friends! I tried, I did but it wasn't just awful looking, it was like I had never sewed a stitch at all in my life then decided to try paperpiecing AND curves all at once.  

Awful. So awful I couldn't share a picture and I knew there was no way I could create the lovely design. I got another bright idea so off I went... just random piecing. 

I always said I'd never make a crazy quilt because I just didn't like the look with all the random piecing. Until I actually looked at the following, I didn't realize what I just did.  -sigh- I disliked it, and yet didn't, almost immediately.

No matter, I knew I didn't want to continue and send this to my winner.   Instead, I realized one of you might want it. So, the first person to comment saying they want this wonky block (and please email me your address) gets it, as is, to do what you want with it.

Instead, I opted for a bargello with appliqued flowers. I like the look, I hope my winner does as well.

Just goes to show, third time is the charm.


  1. That would look great as the outside of a tote bag! I have some other great pinks and black & whites that would look great with it. If no one else has claimed it, I'll use it! Let me know and I'll send my address.

    Your finished project turned out great!


  2. Mary Grace, it's yours! I'll email you so you can email me your address and I can get it out with the rest of my mailings tomorrow. :) Just promise to show me a picture of what you finally do with it. :D

  3. I can see where the 3 inch blocks might be a bit challenging! :-) Your bargello is very cute. :-)

  4. Hi Becky, just wanted to thank you again for this quilt block! It came in the mail yesterday and I think it will be perfect for making a real funky and fun tote bag! I'll let you know when I show it off!

