
Tuesday, June 28, 2011


Where have I been?

Where did the time go?

Is it really the 28th?


How the heck did that happen?

Oh, yeah, life interfered. Again. with quilting.

There's something wrong with my priorities. Please correct this poor habit and explain to me all the reasons why I should not put kids, hubs, house, and work in front of my quilting. 


Now, that said, on to business. I owe several of you some mail. I can only ask, please reread the opening of this post and understand, I suck. I was going to drop it in the mail the day I emailed you all and well, it still sits in my car. I WILL mail it this week. I will NOT forget, I will NOT delay any further. I know, I suck. I'm sorry.

Finally, I was determined 2 weeks ago to tag my finishes for my PhD challenge that's been sitting in my sidebar.  I had a great time reading about everyone's finishes and seeing everyone's projects as they've been completed but I wasn't getting anywhere.

I started ambitious with this post in January.  I felt good about what I could complete having participated in this challenge last year and it beign a great incentive. Sadly, this year, it couldn't give me the motivation I needed. Not because I didn't think about it or want to do it, I just didn't have time to sew much at all. I realized in May how poorly I was doing and the end result was to recognize one quilt as hopeless and give it away. I'm counting it as a finish because it's no longer on my to do list (well, except for the mailing issue I wrote about earlier).

The others, well, here's what's left "standing" in the WIP, UFO, PhD pen. 
1) Jinny Beyer SIL quilt
2) Double Wedding Ring quilt
3) Pineapple quilt
4) Summer porch quilt

I have high, crazy hopes of quilting and binding the summer porch quilt by July 1 but given work is running hotter than usual this quarter end, it's going to be crazy if I succeed.

Now, the two finishes I DID get to over the past weekend and tonight!
1) the Bento Box Quilt (front and back photos) Do you see my oops?

2) the Chateau Wall Hanging. For not planning out the quilting, I'm pleased with adding the snow flakes but really, just overall happy with it.

Thanks for hanging around, even when I wasn't here. While I may not have been quilting, I have managed to read blogs on my phone when I could (of course, that made leaving comments a PITA).

Onward and upward if I want to try to meet the crazy idea of one more finish in June!

Cheers, Beck


  1. Yay!! Love the bento box quilt. seriously. I cannot comment on priorities as I'm just learning to get mine in order... :)

  2. Congrats on the finishes. Love the colors in your Bento Box and any oops just adds "color" to the history of the quilt.

    Hope life calms down for you soon.

  3. I was wondering where my little friend love love thaT LAST QUILT... amazing...the first one is soooo them both.

  4. Great finishes Becky! Good for you! 8-)

  5. Yep-Im loving the Bento box quilt too . It looks fabulous quilted up.

    You know- sometimes life just gets in the way of quilting and everything else thats fun. I'm missing you and hope you can grab some extended fun time soon.

  6. The fabric and the colors are great in your bento box. Can't you just call that your porch quilt and then rename that your fireplace quilt to buy some time :)

  7. Very nice! I hope I can start blogging again soon. I finally unpacked my sewing machine the other day because I was in a mad rush to make some curtains for my room. You can tell I was desperate to sleep. I think I had them made start to finish in under 30 mins. ha ha

    Nice to see you back. Tell Jillian I'll be seeing her soon *running off to buy the dvd*
