
Monday, August 15, 2011

So I finally have news

So as always, between work and home, blogging and quilting haven't just taken a back seat, I've thrown them in the trailer and started driving across the entire country!

Well, not really but it started becoming a chore to check in but at the same time I missed you all and reading up with your happenings. Then, when I did check in, I felt awful b/c I wasn't doing better at keeping in touch with you.  Let me rephrase, I felt like I had missed enough that I should have been a better "blog friend".  Of course, that led to me thinking I was being nuts, no one would expect such a thing and everyone gets life happening. I'd feel fine for a bit, then check in on a blog and it starts over again. I did say at one point in this blog I'm a little bit nuts, right? :)

For those that have sent messages checking in and comments on the blog. For the who have sent a pattern and wonder when I'm going to start the trees, thank you for thinking of me. I do appreciate it.

And now, my news. After 1 full year of looking, of renting on a beautiful 47 acres of farm land, several offers and negotiations on a variety of property, we have finally found a home and have an agreed contract.  We close at the end of the month pending the loan comes through. We have immaculate credit and have been pre-approved at a great rate but the bank is now asking for some ridiculous documents (i.e., divorce decrees from over 10 years ago). We've just sent a note back to them after already jumping through some substantial hoops so we'll see what happens. Keep your fingers crossed, please. This is the fourth home between us and we've never had such crazy requests.

If it all goes well, we will be moving on August 31. Send us good vibes, please.  We could really do with no more stress around this. There are many other things that have contributed to our stress but this is a big part of it and one change leads to another, right?

So here are some pictures of the rooms most important to me. Of course, this isn't our furniture but I can share anyway.  You have the kitchen (we are replacing the fridge with a stainless steel one), the master bath (so friggin' huge!), the master bedroom (in my favorite color already), 2 angles of my very own sewing room and finally, the front of the home.

I'll be back in touch after the move.  Thanks folks!

Cheers, Beck


  1. WOW! Beauty! Fingers crossed for you. How fun to move to a new place and set everything up. Hope you have been keeping up with your core work! Haha!

  2. Those pictures look like pages from a better homes magazine! I thought for a minute we were being punked! :) Anyway, I'm happy for you, and hope everything goes smoothly towards closing.

    By the way, I got your fabrics in the mail last week and they're so cute! I love them. Thanks so much!

  3. COngrats on finally finding "the" house. Hope everything goes smoothly, moving is a HUGE chore in itself. When you make it back, most of us will still be here, waiting.

  4. Wow, that looks like an awesome house, you can move straight in and then change things at your own speed.

    Can I ask... Is it normal in the states to have the bath taps on the near side of the bath? all that space, yet I would probably kick that tap *every* time I got in or out of the bath!

  5. Oh my gosh, it is gorgeous....I know you will have a sewing room...right!! Need help packing? I can come pack your sewing up (not responsible for lost items...ha!!)...but really, I can come and help.

  6. And what wonderful news it is. Your new house looks utterly beautiful Becks- just like something out of a magazine!

    Good Luck with the move. Hurry back with more pictures. Im so excited for you.

  7. that's the master bath? wow it is HUGE! hope everything goes smoothly and quickly; the house is gorgeous!

  8. Congratulations. The house looks wonderful. I hope all goes well and you have fun moving in.

  9. Beautiful home!! Congratulations!! Please pray I will find one soon, we have been looking for about a year and a half. After several offers, still no moving...very tired.

    It was encouraging to here you made it!! Maybe I will too!

  10. okay - I'm pretty sure my whole house would fit into your master bathroom! :)

    seriously, though, - love the new house!!!!!!! looks like you'd have plenty of room to host a blogging-girls weekend when Shay and Marg come to visit :)

    I hope your move goes well, and that your loan goes through soon!

    the best way to de-stress will be to take a nice bubble bath!

  11. Wow! Very pretty! Hope all goes well and you get moved soon!

  12. Beautiful home Beck. I'm sure you'll clear all the hoops with ease and soon be moving everything in. Did you get a little closer in?

    Let me know when you're starting the trees, I'll do it with you.
