
Thursday, September 1, 2011

Favorite Things Friday

This Friday's favorite things is dedicated to the things I've missed, and missed, and missed...

And missed...

in our rental homes the last 2 years.

Such as, a decent sized shower with a perfect spray and a hot water heater that has the hot water at the ready almost the minute it's turned on.  Ahh, heaven! Only second best way to wake up after a great cup of coffee.

Also, a decent sized refrigerator that actually holds its temperature.  Nice, cold, soda and longer lasting food.

I can't forget, a GAS RANGE!  Oh my, how did I miss this. I cannot wait to cook more often b/c I can regulate the heat temperature to my satisfaction.  I was able t function with an electric range but it's just not the same.

Oh, and most of all, reliable INTERNET!  YESSSSSS!!!  I now have Verizon FIOS and have to say, I'm loving it.  It means I'll be back online more again and browsing (of course, this will be after unpacking our stuff. lol). 

And finally, with the internet comes the abiltiy to connect with XBox live and play an online game my sister hooked me on last summer.  "Call of Duty, Black Ops"
The rating on this game is "M for Mature.  Blood and Gore, Intense Violence and Strong Language."  

I'm a bad ass.

Well, I wish I was a bad ass. Mostly, I die and start havign uncontrllable spells in which the only word in my vocabulary is generally one word. "Fucker, Fucker, Fuck (wait, here I extend my vocabulary), I shot him how did he manage to kill me?" Then, "Fucker". 

All the while, I'm having a blast (or being blasted, depending on how you look at it).  I am so bad at this game, my screen name had to be appropriate. I pondered calling myself EasyTarget or Blood Donor but just didn't like them. Finally, I settleed on BornToDie33.  It fits. I resurrect in the game and promptly die.

So, here's the the things I've missed and the beginning of having them again!

But, sigh, I will miss this, which is not at our new home. One day, I'll have it all... -wink-

Glad to be back to FTF. To see other FTFs, check the sidebar and click on the button.

Cheers! Beck


  1. so happy for you that you don't need to miss those things anymore .. especially the shower. a good shower is the best ..

  2. Good luck on getting all of your boxes unpacked and enjoying your new home.

  3. Love the post. I use to play age of empires pre kids no time now, don't like shoot em ups but love strategy games. Use to be too defensive though.

  4. Good to see you now are able to enjoy a decent shower and refrigerator.
    I could not do without reliable internet.
    I'm not into XBox, Playstation etc games but if I was my vocab would probably be as limited, lol.

  5. YOu have so much to look forward to...I am so excited for you. The thinks you missed were some of the things I missed in the shower...HA!!

  6. I remember when the black ops came out, lots of the kids in our school waited in line all night and then came to school the next morning all bleary-eyed.

    Enjoy your new digs :)

  7. I get a little antsy without reliable internet. Enjoy your new place! ☺ Happy FTF! Good to see you again.

  8. A good shower is an absolute must. It can make or break the start to your day.

    I'm selfishly excited you finally have decent internet again because it means you'll be around more often. Skype chats here we come!

    I totally think you're a bad ass....

    Hurry up with that unpacking girl and get online!

  9. Good luck in your new home...a hot shower is a real pleasure that's hard to do without.
    I never thought I would love the internet so much but as I am now a blogging tragic I understand your joy.

  10. Glad that the move had been a good one.

  11. Thats a tough choice the horses or the Internet! I don't think I could make that call :-)

  12. Well being a bada$$ comes with sacrifices. I think vocabulary is probably a good one to choose! Creature comforts are a good thing, too. You don't know how great hot water is until it is gone!!
