
Saturday, October 8, 2011

Sewing Summit 2011 - Day 1

Alright, I arrived at the airport in Salt Lake City, UT after a 5 hr flight  yesterday and waited for the 2 people I'd arranged online to share a cab to the hotel with (Candice and Darci). We did not know each other but spent a little time chatting it up in the cab ride. Let me start by saying this, Salt Lake City is quite pretty when 3 views around the city are of snow capped mountains! 
While I'm on it, flying over the Rockies with the sun just up on the morning and snow on them, gorgeous.

We arrive at the Little America Hotel and  here's where it gets good, we were able to check in early. Sa-weet, for this tired puppy.  We check in, and the room is fantastic.  It's a mini-suite. A  short foyer with a dressing area off to the left and then a bathroom behind that.  Marble tile, etc.  Very pretty and spacious.

Then into the room you have the sleeping area and a small living area (dinette table, lounge area, desk).  Oh yes, flat screen on the wall, wi-fi, and an iHome clock. This means I can dock my iPhone and charge it without pulling out the cord tucked in my suitcase. 

The room is classier than I am but still retains a homey and welcoming feel. I think that's pretty hard to accomplish so props to the designers.  Also props to the service here. It's wonderful and friendly.  I cannot go any farther in this post without saying that if you are ever in Salt Lake City, this should be the place you stay. I most ceratinly will if I return. It's worth it's price (although we have a great deal with the Summit).

Darci went off to assist her friends (Erin of Two More Seconds and Amy of Amy's Creative Side, the founders of this great event) and that left Candice and I to sit by oursleves in our room or band together and get out to see some of the downtown area. So we banded together and wasted a couple hours. Well, it wasn't a total waste of time, I got my hair cut.  See?

The before shots.
 The after shots.

I definately needed the change and told the stylist to just do what he felt like.  Too bad I don't live here, I'd totally return to him again. He was my age, 37, and had bleach blond hair with red streaks in it. Tatoos, rainbow bracelets, etc. but what a good guy.

Anyway, back to the Sewing Summit (the 1st annual, I'm CERTAIN) & the meet and greet mixer. Candice and I found ourselves hanging back.  I like watching people, not dropping into groups but we decided, to heck with it and did just that. I met enough people that I can't tell you who they all were but here's the fun thing, that's okay!  I'm sure they were in the same boat.  Then off to dinner out about town with another group of ladies. Lots of chatting, eating and more walking. I think we returned at 9:30pm and here's what I know.

I know I walked a lot that day. I know I enjoyed it but I know, I was freaking tired. There was an extra 2 hours in my day (time change), an extra amount of movement my lazy butt isn't used to (but should be), and a couple drinks and filling meal (needed both). I barely pulled the sheets out of the mattess to get in before my head was on that pillow.  I awoke today still tired but after some coffee and lots of hydrating, I was eagerly looking forward to my day of classes.

You, however, will have to wait until tomorrow for me to pust about those.  I need to sort through my pictures and gather my thoughts to give you a post a little more coherent than today's.


ps - did you think I forgot? Of course, I didn't... here's the swag bag received upon registration.
 A bag with a printed label and pretty button attached.

 Name tag "chain" made and dontated by Venizie Designs.
 Batting samples from Warm and Natural.  SO AWESOME!
 Pre-made labes from Izzy & Ivy. (super cute!)
 A variety of patterns. Look close to see who they are from. :)
A little cut bundle of Moda fabrics, and Beebolt donated some fabric but with a twist (gotta love it). The twist is to use it or some of it to make a block a particular size, then mail it back.  All blocks will be sewn together for a quilt top(s) to be auctioned off at the next Sewing Summit next year with 100% of proceeds going to Project Linus.  What a great idea, huh? I'll be sending a block to them.

That's all for today, folks.  See you tomorrow!


  1. I'm so thankful that we've had this opportunity to meet and get to know each other!!! :)

  2. Anonymous10/09/2011

    HOLY SHIT BECK!!! I LOVE YOUR HAIR! Gay-boy did a great job!! Just fly him out to you ever few months! Now I need to finish reading your blog. have fun

  3. SO envious, you're going to have such a great time

  4. Those were just the welcoming goodies - blimey!

    Love the hair cut, it looks fab.

  5. Your hair is just glad you are having such a good time. Love all of the goodies that you have gotten so far.

  6. LOVE the hair Toots. Looks like you're gonna be rocking Salt Lake in more ways than one.

    I cannot believe you're out there having so much fun and I'm home cleaning my toilet....

    Have a good time for both of us!

  7. Jealous, jealous, jealous!!! Wow!

    Great haircut!

    Enjoy... I know you will! 8-)

  8. Yeah I'm way jealous too! Glad you are having so much fun, wish it was me! Hahaha. No really I do.
