
Wednesday, November 2, 2011

Read up, please. Quilts of Valor

Ladies and Gents,
Quilts of Valor is in need! Alycia has no more and there is a need! 

Do you have a quilt that can be sent (it does not have to be patriotic colors).  Please look at Alycia's post and forward what you can.

I'd like to offer my services, for whatever they are worth, to those of you who have completed tops which fit the requirements but need quilting and binding done.   I have a mid-arm and can do basic continuous-line quilting if you are willing to send the top, batting and backing.  I will then attach a binding (or you can send that, too, if you have it).  Once complete, I will happily forward with my couple of submissions to Alycia (copying you on the communication so you know it arrived and your work went where you meant it to go).

Most of you know, but for those of you new to my blog (life), my husband's last post in the Army before his retirement this year was as CSM of the Warrior Transition Battalion (it's the wounded-warrior battalion) in Ft. Campbell, KY.  This was an extremely rewarding post for him and us as a family. Those soldiers and their families are amazing and I feel strongly that anything I can do to assist their healing should be done.  This is the place I come from when I offer my services above or reach out to you in a call for help on behalf of Alycia.

So, if you are interested, take a look at her post and see if there is a way you can assist please reach out.

Oh, and if you cannot assist on this immediate needs but do want to help down the line, please do not hesitate to look at the Quilt of Valor organization as an alternative. I promise, it's a worthy and very appreciated cause.

Thank you so much for taking the time to read this and consideration.

Warmest Regards,


  1. I don't have anything in my current project line up that isn't already earmarked for someone else, but I'll keep this in mind for the future. It certainly sounds like a very good cause.

  2. My husband served at Fort Carson (Viet Nam vet) so this effort has been close to my heart (and sewing machines!) for a while. Glad to see you posting this. Thanks!

  3. I would like to jump in and ask everyone to check out Sew Much COmfort ( a sewing organisation that converts "regular" clothes to fit our wounded troops.

    Quilts of valor is wonderful! One of my fellow islanders is on her sixth.
