
Tuesday, May 15, 2012

Progress. A little at at time.

Today's post isn't about words, it's about pictures.  Today, I'm posting a picture of a few of the projects I've got going on.  I have been restless lately b/c I want to quilt my Swoon quilt but am waiting for batting to arrive. I thought I had it when I loaded the quilt but nope!
Anyway, I've finished a block from the Little Birdie stitch a long. I haven't cleaned away the markings or pressed it yet but you can still take a look.
I've finished a couple more of these blocks for the Jinny Beyer UFO I have hanging out there.
I've been making up a pattern using my Wee Woodland jelly roll.  This is as far as I've gotten. Before I start stitching crazy angled fabric, I'm sitting on it. I am not sure I want to have the angled fabric strips coming off the middle square or if I want to have it hang in each side. We'll see. It's not a project for any purpose other than playing with pushing myself to be creative so no hurry.

Finally, I've made some progress on my son's Monopoly quilt, which also is a "make it up as you go" design.  However, I am pretty sure that even if I don't like the finished product, he will and that's all that's important. Regardless, so far I don't dislike it or like it but it is growing on me. :-)

So, what are you up to? How does your progress look?

Last little thought, I had a nice Mother's Day. Kids were helpful with some house items (like moving boxes out of the garage) that I really wanted done and we cooled off with ice cream at a local stand.  Thanks kids!


  1. I've never seen a monopoly quilt! That is awesome!

  2. The Monopoly quilt is tickling my fancy. It looks great.

    You have a lot of different and diverse things going on Missy.

    You can pop on over here and grab some bating. I have about 20 metres of it in the cupboard !

  3. I love that crazy angled thing you've got going on. We must meet up at QU and you have to bring a block of that with you. I'm addicted already!

  4. That Monopoly quilt is just too fun! Love all the projects you have on the go. The Swoon is looking fantastic.
