
Monday, May 21, 2012

SMS Giveaway Day - Dr. Seuss Baby Quilt

This giveaway is now closed.  
Congratulations to Cahrenholtz who was comment was #114 out of 176!
(I had to delete a couple duplicate entries and those entries where I had no method of contacting the person which is why this is out of 176 instead of 190.  Thank you everyone for stopping by.)

I am so glad I did not miss it this time around! This post is all about the Sew Mama Sew May Giveaway Day and if you are here because of the link you've seen over there, welcome.

Recently I agreed to test a pattern for Rachel at Scrapendipity Designs.  It was so much fun! The pattern is called So Whimsy and she created it using Dr. Seuss prints. Since I had leftover fabric from my previous Seuss quilt, I volunteered to try it out.
My review: Super quick, super easy and super cute! I recommend this pattern to anyone who is looking for a quick quilt to put together for a baby shower or toddler's birthday, whether using Seuss or another character's print line.  Rachel is selling it on Etsy and Craftsy but I'm not sure I can link to a store per giveaway rules so I'm just linking to her blog where you can find information on the pattern if you are interested.

This brings me to the SMS Giveaway, I have no home for this lovely.  It measures just under 36"x42" and is made of 100% cotton fabrics and 80/20 cotton/poly batting blend.
The batting was from my scraps so I'm not sure who the maker is but I can say this is a pretty thin quilt which makes it PERFECT for a new baby or a toddler to use during the warm summer months.
This is machine pieced and quilted with cotton and poly threads.  The quilting is a varigated rainbow color in large, meandering loops.
The backing and binding, well, it's Seuss on the front so we had to have a crazy 2-direction stripe on back, right?
If you'd like the opportunity to win this quilt, take a look at the rules:
  1. I will ship internationally. 
  2. This giveaway will close on May 25 at 8pm ET (5pm PST) and upon close, I will use the Random # Generator tool to pick a winner from the comments.
  3. I will email the winner (Please make sure you leave your email address in the comment or be sure I can contact you if you are the winner. If I can't reach you, I'll choose another winner.)
  4. I will mail your winning quilt by June 1.
  5. Please leave me one comment telling me whether you hunt or if your husband/partner hunts, and what, or not. (Odd request, isn't it? LOL- I just felt like being different and figured no one ever asks this kind of question!)
Finally, I have waited to add a label (which will include pattern name/maker and quilt maker) so that if you'd like it to have a customized, short statement, I can add it to the label.  (i.e., To: Curious George, From: Grandma Banana with love...)

Thank you for stopping by and I hope you enjoy the rest of the Giveaway posts, there are lots of them in 5 different categories -- Handmade for the Home (quilts, hot pads, pillows, etc.), Handmade BagsHandmade Baby + Kid ItemsSewing + Craft Supplies (fabric, patterns, buttons, trims, yarn, etc.), Handmade Accessories (hats, scarves, belts, adult clothes, etc.)!

I hope to see you again soon.

(ps - This comes from a non-smoking home but a home with dogs. It has been washed and the dogs have been kept away during it's creation and completion, but if you have allergies, please be sure to wash immediately in cold water when/if it arrives to your home.)


  1. Gorgeous quilt. I would love it for a friend that has just had a baby. We do not hunt, but our puppy, Monty, is very keen on everythibg that moves.

  2. Anonymous5/21/2012

    Beautiful quilt! I love it so much. We are big Dr. Seuss fans here. The quilt would be for my 3-year-old daughter and my 6-month-old daughter to share.

    We do not hunt.

  3. What a fab, fun quilt! We are big Dr. Seuss fans in this house and I learnt to read on The Cat in the Hat :)

    We don't hunt animals. But I'm always on the hunt for cool fabrics, my husband is always on the hunt for some cable or other (!) and our children are always on the hunt for new ways to delight, amuse or frustrate us!

  4. love it!!! and I and sooo many of my friends are all having babies this summer!
    I hunt for bargains on fabric....

  5. WOW!! How generous of you to be giving away a quilt. It's adorable to boot! My boys LOVE Dr. Seuss, it would perfect in our house.

    Growing up, my dad thought it was important to teach his kids gun safety and I hunted rocks...and trees...and soda cans! I haven't ever shot something 'live', but my dad and brother do.

  6. I have hunted before but not any more. I lazy in my old age and just like staying in the sewing room

  7. love Dr Seuss. Keep meaning to buy some of the fabrics but haven't done it yet.

    My husband hunted when he was younger .. my son now does. He hunts pheasant and quail.

  8. I am not a hunter, but the husband is. Oddly enough, he prefers bow and arrow. (And can throw a tomahawk with the best of them!)
    Love the quilt - those blues are super yummy with the suess fabrics!

  9. adorable!! my son listens to dr. seuss audio books when he goes to sleep at night!
    some of my family hunts and some don't. i have 6 cousins ranging in age from 21-12 who have all hunted since they were 6 years old. i, myself have never done it... as much as i looooove some good deer steak i don't think i could kill my own food. if it were up to me to hunt i'd probably be a vegetarian!

  10. Anonymous5/21/2012

    oh, what a nice blog ! and a beautiful quilt.
    No I dont hunt.
    kaeferchen17 at

  11. No hunting for us, but my husband does love skeet shooting! christina112358 at gmail dot com

  12. I don't hunt and my husband no longer hunts. He does still fish though.

  13. That is a really pretty quilt and so many of my friends are becoming grandmas that one of them would just love the quilt.
    We don't hunt in our family here but do target shooting. My nephew and brother in law hunt deer and there are many fishermen in the family.

  14. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  15. Great quilt! I don't hunt, but my husband was a big hunter and our youngest son loves to hunt and keep the family supplied with lots of venison.

  16. I love this quilt! My baby is almost 6 months old and it'd be perfect for him to snuggle or play on.

    Hubby likes to bow hunt mostly. He doesn't particularly care which season (animal wise) it is.

    wbz1221 {at} gmail {dot} com

  17. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  18. I have never been hunting, no one in our family hunts either.

  19. This comment has been removed by the author.

  20. Oh my this is so cute! I would love this for my two year old who LOVES Seuss, also I am expecting and it would make a great baby blanket. My Husbands family hunts. He goes along sometimes. He has a deer head mounted in the garage my kids fondly call him Bucky.

    mikeandjackiew AT

    (sorry I had to delete my first comment forgot my email address)

  21. You know, we do not hunt. No reason really other than we don't like to go out in the cold and dark lol. Love the meat though. Deer is good. I can tell you I love the quilt and have the perfect recipient for it should I win!!

  22. My husband doesn't hunt, but mostly because he doesn't really have time. My brother hunts a lot with a gun and some other equipment my uncle gave him just before he passed away, and we've made chili out of the deer meat he caught!

  23. Cute! I have a baby/toddler that would love this (once she can have a blanket in her crib).

    Neither I or my husband hunts. He is from Wisconsin originally, and his non-hunting family is definitely in the minority!

  24. We don't hunt for food, but my husband hunts predators around the farm. I just read the book "Girl Hunter" by Georgia Pellegrini. Very interesting.

  25. Anonymous5/21/2012

    Love that Dr. Seuss fabric. Our guild donates baby quilts to the NICU and this would be a wonderful gifts for a family that's been through so much with their newborn.

  26. I love this quilt! No, I don't hunt and never have. My husband doesn't either. He never had an interest, and he doesn't even like wild game meat.
    Now my son is an avid hunter, but he sure didn't get it from his dad! LOL

  27. This comment has been removed by the author.

  28. Beautiful quilt! My toddler is obsessed with Cat and Dr. Seuss! Learning to quilt is on my list of things to do. :) My family and many of my friends hunt, but my husband and I don't, although we enjoy fishing! (I would love some venison in the freezer though!)

    I deleted my original comment so I wouldn't have two entries since like a silly, I forgot my email!

  29. I am a BIG Dr. Seuss fan and would LOVE to win this awesome quilt for my newborn grandson! His mommy is a 2nd grade teacher who loves Dr. Seuss probably even more than I do!
    My dad is an avid deer hunter. He will be 85 this year and is planning on going out to "get his deer" this fall.

  30. Beautiful quilt.

    I don't hunt and I am married to an uber geek so he doesn't hunt either. My father was a fine hunter. He was very at home in the woods and would hunt when he got the chance to.

  31. My husband is from Alaska and definitely hunts!!! My boys LOVE dr. Seuss and my 5 year old has a Lorax quilt coming his way! How cool would it be to have my 1 year old win a Dr. Suesd quilt??! Thanks!!

  32. How lovely! I now a young pregnant friend who would be very happy about this quilt. So cute!
    We do not hunt!

  33. What a cute quilt and the perfect pattern for a quick baby gift!

    We live in the mountains of northern Pennsylvania, so there's lots of hunting and fishing that goes on it our area. My husband hunts and fishes, but I prefer fishing over hunting.

  34. I don't hunt but my dad hunts deer

  35. Anonymous5/21/2012

    Unfortunately, no one in my family hunts, which in Kentucky is an oddity because opening day of deer season might as well be a declared holiday. *L* My son is a HUGE Dr. Seuss fan, but the real question would be to keep it from my 32 year old brother. *L*


  36. We don't hunt either, I used to fish though... I love this quilt. I would give it to my son

  37. Neither my husband nor I hunt, but my little brother does. I think he even killed a boar with a knife once.

    rebekahricker (at) yahoo (dot) com

  38. I love this quilt! So fun and bright! We don't hunt, but my daughter married a gunsmith who, obviously, hunts. Quite a shock to my system, but he's awesome so it all works out! :) They just had their third child in March (a son) that would love to cuddle up with this quilt! Thanks for the opportunity to win such a great giveaway!!!

  39. Love the quilt! My husband and I don't hunt, but our dogs do! They love to chase all the lizards in our yard.

    Thanks for the giveaway!

    melissajpalmer at yahoo dot com

  40. neither of us have an appetite for hunting

  41. We don't hunt, but we love visiting the local Bass Pro Shop! :)

  42. oh, i think this quilt would be WELL loved in our house!! we don't hunt, but i don't have a problem with it at all... we're just not very outdoorsy.

  43. Beautiful Quilt!! :D We do not hunt, unless you count monsters in various online games :D The quilt would be going to my youngest daughter who is turning 1 on Friday! Woo hoo :D Thank you so much for the opportunity!

  44. we don't hunt, If I won the quilt would go to my cousin, he'd love it.
    Thanks for the chance

  45. Wow, the quilt is beautiful! My son would love! I'm also thrilled for the link as I am hoping to try my hand at my first quilt soon and am looking for a pattern that has enough different fabrics but that isn't too overwhelming. This might be it!
    We are not a family of hunters. But we recently moved to a house where we see deer, turkey, frogs, and all sorts of critters. They are fun to watch!
    Thanks for sharing your talent!


  46. I've been on hunts when younger but nothing since I moved for university. Bit of a shame really I love the social side of it.

  47. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  48. we don't hunt but we're not opposed to it. If we did we would only hunt what we're willing to eat :)

  49. Thank you for the giveaway, the quilt is so very cute! We don't like hunting or fishing...

  50. No hunting in our household.

  51. Anonymous5/21/2012

    What a great quilt. We love all things Dr. Seuss in this house :) We are not great hunters here... just about the only hunting I do is bargain hunting for fabric :)

  52. Neither of us are hunters, but we are both huge Dr. Suess fans! This is amazing!!!! Thank you for the great giveaway! jinglesells at gmail dot com

  53. Neither of us hunt, we'd probably accidentally shoot ourselves! I do love the Dr. Seuss quilt though!

  54. The only hunting we do is for Lorenzo when he gets out which he does quite often! Now Lorenzo, Lilly, Leeapaul, and AMA hunt lizards every day.

  55. I don't hunt. Not against it just no one in my family or wifes hunts.

    Would Love the Quilt for Julia my baby.

  56. We don't hunt. Heck, we don't camp or fish either. This quilt is adorable and I have not one, not two, but three little spring baby boys I could give it to (including the one still in my belly!).

  57. Anonymous5/21/2012

    We love Dr Seuss here! What a great quilt. Makes me wish I was game enough to have a go.

    Me and my partner do not hunt. He loves his fishing though. My dad is the one who used to hunt when he was younger, he hunted wild boar.

    Thanks for a wonderful giveaway!

    toni.maree (at)

  58. Anonymous5/21/2012

    My boyfriend hunts ducks and my grandfather hunts deer and turkey :) beautiful quilt!

  59. You are so generous. This is a beautiful baby quilt.

    Hunting of animals - nope. Hunting of weeds in the lawn - yes, especially dandelions. Love hunting for beautiful batik fabrics and new quilting stores.

    Back to hunting for animals - we don't live in the middle of no where, and we don't believe in killing animals as a recreation hobby. We are not against other people who do this, it's just the way we are.

  60. What a great simple quilt!! No hunting at our house...we only have time for baseball ;) Thanks for the chance! Smiles~Beth

  61. Nope, nobody in our house hunts. However, we've recently moved to MT and a LOT of people here do! Thanks for the chance!

  62. Lovely!!!
    No, we do not hunt, I can't imagine shuting an animal like that...

  63. No hunting for us- we do camp a lot though!

  64. This is gorgeous! No hunters here in this house!


  65. That is wonderful - my grandson loves Seuss!
    We are not hunters, although we do stalk the wild asparagus :)


  66. the quilt is lovely.
    thank you for the cahnce to win

  67. Crazy question! No, I don't hunt but my mom and dad used to hunt as well as 2 of my sisters.

  68. Nope, we're not hunters. You have to get up too early!

  69. That is a seriously adorable quilt! We are huge hunters and it is even my profile pic on my blog on the right. It was even our Christmas card, us dressed up in camo last year. We love hunting as a family.

    ykatrina at hotmail dot com

  70. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  71. That is a wonderful quilt! And I was just looking at those fabrics, too...

    I think hunting is a lot like sewing - it's something your family teaches you when you're young. Unfortunately, no one in mine or my husband's family were interested in hunting or sewing. (But I've changed that, in the case of the latter!)

    (tallpoppygardens gmail. (com)

  72. My husband wants to hunt(deer) but doesn't get much time to do so. We have three little ones, he runs a business and he is building our new house- by himself.

    Your quilt is great! My kids love The Cat in the hat Knows a Lot About That.

  73. what a awesome quilt!
    We do not hunt... except hunt bargains!

  74. No, I don't hunt. :)

    urchiken at gmail dot com

  75. Sweet quilt...have a baby boy coming June 5th!
    The only thing I hunt for are BARGAINS and my husband occasionally hunts for his glasses which are usually hiding on top of his head! :D

  76. I love your quilt!!

    My husband and I don't actively hunt, but when we go home to visit family (we are both in the military) we usually find time to hunt whatever season it is. My favorite is duck hunting but deer is good too.

  77. Adorable quilt! My husband hunts for deer, but never gets one. I hunt for bargains and get them often!!

  78. Anonymous5/21/2012

    This quilt is beautiful! My little guy would love it! We don't hunt here, but I did fish with my dad when I was a kid....does that count?

    Dewiec (at) yahoo (dot) ca

  79. I don't hunt. I don't have a husband that hunts, but I'm not against it if you eat the meat.

  80. Wow! Amazing quilt! I am pregnant and due in July with my first child, I would love love love this quilt and can't believe you are giving it away here!!! We don't hunt but have a "hunting" type dog, a foxhound, she only hunts table scraps though :)

  81. sew cute!!! I know it would be loved in this house :)

    Thanks for the giveaway!!!

  82. I hunt for fabric bargains! ;)

  83. I have been hunting with a bow since I was 6 months pregnant with my first son :)

  84. KathyC5/21/2012

    No, there are no hunters at our house, not me or my husband. I love your quilt.

  85. don't hunt as i don't like guns, but have shot them a few times and my parents/brother/hubby/son all hunt or hunted birds/deer/elk. enjoy elk meat but not deer in particular and thought of game birds makes me ill since i was a child and because my father was injured for awhile and had no job we ate goose/duck for weeks on end--eeeech!!! thanks for the chance at a darling quilt and have a great day

  86. I have the perfect little baby grandson for this quilt!

    We don't hunt, we surf here on the coast of California :-)

  87. That is a fantastic quilt! No, we don't hunt(except for good fabric deals!)! :-)

  88. I don't hunt, but wouldn't mind learning (although, honestly, I'm not sure how I'd react to the gutting/cleaning part).

  89. what a great cheery quilt! Neither my husband nor I hunt though many people in my family do hunt. They hunt all kinds of animals.
    Thanks for the chance to win!
    ~~~ Suzanne

  90. lovely quilt! would be perfect for our youngest son.

    my husband started bow hunting last fall. he tried for deer but with no luck. bow hunting apparently takes a looooot patience and it's been wonderful for his soul! he did manage to hunt a couple of squirrels and a bird (forget what kind). i think our children really benefit from seeing where meat (and all other food) comes from. so i appreciate my husband's hunting efforts a lot.

  91. We don't hunt, but my boys LOVE to go to Cabela's to see the fish and animals. I have to admit it's a pretty cool store.

  92. What a stunning quilt! I love Dr Seuss as does my little man :)
    We don't hunt, except occasionally on a computer game or hunting for a cool gift for someone.

  93. Anonymous5/21/2012

    Love the Dr Seuss fabrics! Nope, no hunters in this house! :)

  94. Right up my alley - does my hubby hunt?! He sure does, and I recently did a blog post about the skinned lynx hide he hung in our front yard to cure! I thought I was alone, but reading the comments I guess I'm not!

  95. What a colorful and fun baby quilt. My husband used to hunt when he was growing up (deer and pheasants) and when we lived in AZ he went hunting for javalina but mainly just a fishing family.

  96. Gorgeous quilt!
    I hunt for op-shop treasures and my partner watches me.
    Thanks for the opportunity to win.

  97. I have lots of friends and family that hunt but, we don't hunt. My husband isn't the outdoorsy type ;)

    melanieinaz2003 at yahoo

  98. My husband has hunted in the past (deer and moose). Maybe he'll take it up again someday! I do love some good deer meat. :)

  99. I did go hunting when I was young, but just to watch and help with the carrying. That were some fun nights staying up late watching stars and trying not be quiet. Nowadays I just hunt for chocolate and plants and fabric and other "lifeless" things ...

  100. love this quilt! I've been wanting some seuss fabric. I don't hunt, but my husband has hunted deer, moose, and most recently, wild boar here in Hawaii.

  101. Great quilt- two keen Dr Seuss fans here.
    Definitely no hunting for me- except to get kids to clean up etc.
    the man of the house has been known to hunt rabbits on occasion.

  102. Love the quilt - I would love it for my nephew-to-be who will be born later this year!

    And no, we don't hunt, it't not a big thing here in Australia. :)

  103. Love the fabric. No hunting here. Only thing to hunt in UK is a fox which always seemed quite pointless!

  104. No problem with dog hair here. We don't hunt in our family, not even fishing. Although as a child I went pig and 'roo shooting.

  105. Awesome giveaway! I would love to win this for my grandson!

    My husband looks forward to deer hunting season so he can 'go out camp'. We all love venison, so when he gets one, it helps out to have all the extra meat in the freezer. So he hunts the meat, and I hunt for venison recipes, haha!

  106. No, we do not hunt. My father did, but I never went with him. I was too scared. email:

    Thanks for such a lovely, lovely give-a-way!

  107. What a gorgeous quilt!
    No hunters in my family.

  108. What a beautiful quilt! We don't hunt, we just have never thought about it.

  109. We do not hunt. Lovely quilt!


  110. What a lovely quilt! No hunters in our family. Thanks for the giveaway! Amy @ gasudimack(at)sbcglobal(dot)net

  111. Darling quilt and great idea for using those odd large scraps of print fabric.
    No hunting here...vegetarian for 40+ years.

  112. Darling quilt and no hunters in our family.

    kissyjensen at gmail dot com

  113. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  114. We don't hunt, but we fish! Thanks for the chance to win this adorable quilt!

  115. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  116. Neither of us hunts, but we just started foraging. We took a class on wild edibles, and are now looking at our back yard and local parks in a completely new light.

  117. Cool quilt. I'm not a hunter; my husband hunted when he was younger. My nephews are the active hunters in the family now. Thanks for the chance to win.
    rodlindafansler at gmail dot com

  118. Dr. Seuss is a favorite in this household! We don't hunt, but we have tons of wildlife on our property that we admire!

  119. This quilt is so cute, we just found out we are having a little boy so this would be perfect.
    We do not hunt in our house but a good friend of mine is a hunter and she's getting married with a hunting theme for her wedding.

  120. This is incredibly beautiful! Nobody in my family hunts, my my husband sells hunting gear at his work and knows all about it :)


  121. That is so lovely - I would have to send it to my cousins baby in NewZealand If I won. I live in the UK, only the Royal Family hunt. Most forms of hunting have been banned anyway and also our gun laws are really strict.

  122. Beautiful Quilt!!! No hunting in our household!! mjalfano19@gmail.coman

  123. I'm not a hunter but I do have an uncle who hunts quail and deer. Thakns.

  124. Thank you so much for being part of the “Sew, Mama, Sew” give-away week! I hope that you will have a chance to stop by my blog at and enter my give-away for a homemade teddy bear!

    We live on the coast of Maine. My husband and three sons...We are all hunters...even me! Mainly we hunt deer...but also turkey, birds, and rabbits. I am the only one in the family who hunts for great bargains, however!

    Sweet blessings,

  125. Oh my! I really hope I win this quilt! My daughter became obsessed with The Grinch this past Christmas and wants to watch and talk about him all the time! :-) We read the story at least once a week, so she would love to see him and other Seuss characters on a quilt. My father in law is a big hunter & I love it b/c he gives us lots of deer meat! :-) thanks for the giveaway!

  126. Yep, that's different ;) My husband and son hunt deer...thanks for the chance at a fun baby quilt!

  127. Lovely giveaway,we love Dr.Seuss.we don't hunt animals,but I hunt for yarn,free crochet patterns,craft blogs,my hubby for tools and our daughter for toys =o

  128. I love to hunt for fabric wherever I go! If google does not show you my email I can be reached at amy (at) e (hyphen) martin (dot) com

  129. Graet quilt - I have the prefect person to give it to - my sister in law who is due in September :) And from a smoke-free home - yay! I am also a wife of a recently retired military (navy) man and I have a dog so we have some connections! I love connections! Nope - he doesn't hunt and I don't know anyone who does... I know a few farmers though... ;)

  130. OMGoodness! LOVE IT! My husband and I enjoy fishing.

    appieb77 (at) hotmail (dot) com

  131. Great quilt! I don not hunt or fish, but I do hunt for my keys on occasion. Thanks for the giveaway!

  132. Yes my husband is a hunter but does not get out as much as he used too, which for me is good. Got a bit sick of venison and wildpork

  133. Love the quilt!! Neither my husband nor I hunt...but I think he'd like to. =]


  134. oh my, I would LOVE to win this. I know a little boy who has been wanting a Dr. Suess quilt! My husband hunts - but only fish and chickens, lol. The fish he "hunts" in the lake with his boat and pole, and the chickens he hunts at night, when they don't show up for the coop and he's worried about them ;)

  135. That's a very generous and gorgeous offer! I'd love to house this beauty.

    We are way too urban here, so no hunting for us. I wouldn't mind eating anything so fresh though. We do fis...does that count?

  136. This quilt would be perfect for my little man!

    We don't hunt (it's not really a big thing here) but my dad is a keen fisherman, which is kind of the same idea I guess :)

  137. My Hubby occasionally goes fishing with my Dad or his Dad. My dad is always fishing. When I was younger my dad did go "Shooting" (we don't normally call it hunting in Australia). He would shoot Rabbits, Foxes, Feral Cat's, Feral Pigs and when the numbers got out of hand sometimes Kangaroo's too.

  138. Love the quilt - we do not hunt. Actually, my husband is a vegetarian so hunting just wouldn't do for us :)

    Although, I do hunt for great fabric!

  139. The quilt is beautiful. No, we are not hunters now, but my husband and son did hunt years ago.

  140. feldhauss@alliancewildblue.com5/22/2012

    Love this quilt!

    We do hunt - especially deer! Being the mother of two boys and living in the middle of the Midwest, I'm not sure it's an option!

  141. Hi - lovely quilt and generous giveaway! thank you ! My husband hunts and my two college aged boys hunt and fish. My daughter and I only shoot with the camera!

  142. Love the would my kids. We do not hunt animals, but definitely hunt for a great bargain.

  143. Great quilt! No hunters in this family. But I think my husband secretly wishes he did!

  144. Love this quilt. My husband doesn't hunt because we live in Los Angeles but if we lived anywhere where could hunt I know he would. He definitely loves shooting and the woods

  145. Anonymous5/22/2012

    No hunters here. I am a beekeeper though. Love your quilt.

  146. Love the Dr Seuss collection! I actually bought a panel but haven't done anything with it yet. This darling quilt would be awesome for my boy. We do not hunt, I do not, my husband does not. Both our fathers were into light hunting but it was not passed on.

  147. I 'hunt' for fun fabric! And my son hunts for ghosts, and Zombies. He's a good protector, for a three-year-old.

  148. Neither of us hunt, but almost my entire extended family does! They hunt whatever is in season. Ha ha. :)

  149. I hunt vintage pyrex and fabric! I grew up fishing, but have not done that in years. Sticking the hook through the worm has gotten disgusting as I've 'matured'!!

  150. beautiful!

    we do not hunt-- there isn't really anywhere in the area to.

  151. What a fun quilt. No I have horrible aim and my husband is still hoping someone will take him hunting. Let's say I am not good at butchering either as I mangle things I buy from the market that have more or less been butchered. :)

  152. Too cute!!!! My husband is actually learning how to bow hunt at present. His cousin is a professional bow hunter (didn't know such things existed!) and is teaching him. Hopefully we'll have some great venison soon enough. :) Thanks for the great giveaway!

  153. Gorgeous quilt!!! Thanks for such a generous giveaway! No one here hunts, unless you count bugs that breach our home security - then its open season no holds barred!

  154. Love the quilt. No-one I know hunts, guess its not an Australian thing :)

  155. Gorgeous quilt.Thanks for the chance to win!

  156. Oooh, that's gorgeous! Thanks for hosting such a fabulous giveaway. :-)

    My partner and I don't hunt, but my father used to hunt deer, back in the 1970's and 1980's. (And one of our cats hunts everything that moves, and some things that don't! And chases random patches of empty air as well. Crazy thing that she is.)

    Great random question, by the way! Nice to see something a bit different. :-)

    macska at gmail dot com

  157. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  158. dr suess is my hero...i love his words and oh the places you'll go is my all time bestest book in the we hunt...the only hunting we do is the hunt for dirty clothes on my kids floors amongst their but true!!!xxx

  159. We don't hunt, but LOVE our friends who do and bring us local, organic, free-range meat :)

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  161. We do not hunt, but I love when people give us venison. Yum!
    Very cute quilt! My boys love Dr. Seuss.

  162. I have never hunted anything- except 4 leaf clovers (does that count?)
    I am expecting a little boy in a motnh and this quilt is awesome. I have always loved Dr. Suess-- who doesn't, right?

    Thanks for the chance

  163. I am most definitely not a hunter and neither is my husband, but I'm a big fan of Dr. Seuss:)

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  166. Not a hunter nor is my husband, but the dog hunts bugs and squirrels. Love the Dr. Seuss fabric!

    Oh, and just in case, my email address is vegmers AT gmail DOT com.

  167. I'm not a hunter, but my husband and son are.

  168. I love the quilt - it would be perfect for my newest great-nephew. My husband doesn't hunt, but I remember my Dad going hunting with my Uncle Jasper when I was a kid. Thanks for the great giveaway.

  169. I would love to win this for my daughter, who has requested a Dr. Suess quilt. I do not hunt and neither does my husband. I am not against hunting, but I find it very repulsive to take the life of something. Hamburger comes from the store. I really should be a vegan.

  170. hunting? thats interesting...where are you from? I'm still a student so no husband either! hehe. Anyways thanks for the post! I love the Dr. Suess theme! ^^

  171. Lovely quilt :-) We don't hunt here unless you count all the time I spend hunting for stuff the kids have hidden in random places :-)

  172. Beautiful quilt!! We do not hunt although my son shot a skunk with a BB gun once. Not a good idea!! It made the skunk mad and my son stunk for a week! Great giveaway! Thanks for the chance.

  173. love the quilt :) hubs used to do a lot of deer hunting, but due to back injury he can no longer hunt.

  174. What a wonderful giveaway! I am not a hunter. Thanks for the chance to win!

  175. Anonymous5/23/2012

    I dont hunt ,my ex did not hunt, my dad did not hunt, however i would love to go hunting just once it is on by bucket list. thanks for the give a way

  176. Really like the quilt, hunt, no hunting allowed at my house. My brother in law hunts with a bow and arrow in Canada. thanks kathy

  177. Beautiful quilt. We are not a hunter on reality world. But, I do played game that hunt animal :)

  178. i would love to win this quilt. i have two little ones and the weight sounds perfect for our climate. it's gorgeous and we would treasure it. thanks for the chance!

    i hope you won't hold it against me, but we are vegetarian. i guess you could say i hunt for fabric, neat antiques and cute children's clothing at the thrift stores? :-)

    my email address is in my profile.

  179. We do not hunt. Unless hunting for bargains on groceries count. We do grow some veggies tho. *shrug*

    I have the PERFECT home for that Dr. Suess quilt.

  180. We don't hunt but my husband would like to take my son one time for the experience.

  181. We don't hunt, but I come from a family of hunters. Very awesome quilt! Thanks so much for the chance to win!

    ravensrascals (at) gmail (dot) com

  182. Anonymous5/24/2012

    We catch and release fish from our dock and the fox, turkeys, deer and bunnies haven't done any harm so we don't hunt them. Yet.

    loritfrench at comcast dot net

  183. I've never hunted and don't think I ever would but I did enjoy fishing when I was a kid :)

    Our dog is a pretty good ratter though :)

  184. super cute. My husband and his family hunt.

  185. No, hunting has never crossed my mind.

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  187. good question i don't hunt unless you count yarn and fabric shopping trips as hunting but my husband hunts for deer every year.

  188. We don't hunt.

  189. gorgeous quilt. We love Dr Seuss. My hubby loves hunting, hunts deer, Tahr, and rabbits and Wallabies (rabbits and Wallabies are huge pest here in NZ).

  190. what a cute, fun quilt! thanks for the chance to win it!

    no, i do not hunt. but many of my friends and family do, they're mostly deer hunters.

    ambjer (at)
