
Saturday, August 25, 2012

I'm going to the Sewing Summit again

HOORAY for me! I'm super excited.  I've been keeping an eye on the Flikr group for the Sewing Summit and there someone started a discussion for those looking to transfer tickets. I replied and was able to get a ticket from someone who had to change their plans.

I am super excited to be going again.  I had such a nice time in the classes last year and meeting new people.

This year, I am looking forward to the same and meeting up with those friends from last year.

Tickets can be transferred up until Oct. 1 so if you are interested in purchasing one off someone whose plans have changed, I'd suggest keeping an eye on the discussion thread.

Now, as to what I've been up to besides work and life, it's cleaning and reorganizing my sewing room and working on these two quilt tops.

In a day or so, I'll be able to show you this one completed.

How have you all been?



  1. Oh, I love what you did with the extra Swoon HSTs!

  2. Woo hoo, congrats on scoring a SS ticket! :)

  3. Ohhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh both are just fab!!!

  4. If I had been smart I would have organised a little side trip! Have fun at SS.

    Love both those quilts . You HAVE been busy. It's off tot he sewing room for me shortly to try and make some progress too!

  5. your quilts are beautiful Beck!! I love your swoon with the green background; love!!!

  6. So pretty! I'm following your blog now! Your IG friend, Kris :)

  7. Oh you got your pinwheel finished! Love the darker background!
