
Saturday, January 19, 2013

I'm going to join a quilt guild

I've spent a lot of years with the internet quilting community. Heck, you wonderful people on the other end of this web link have been my guild.  However, I made a commitment to myself a while back that once Hubs retired from the military and we settled for a few years in one place until the kids graduated, that I'd start meeting some of you and some new quilters in real life.

I started with the Sewing Summit and a class in TN.  At the end of Dec., I was invited to an impromptu day of sewing at a fellow and local IGer's house.  Kim at My Go-Go Life graciously hosted myself, Katie of SwimBikeQuilt, and Amy of AmyLouWho fame.  I was able to get a little quilt binding done and I most certainly was able to enjoy the company of friends (meeting Kim for the first time).  During the conversation shared, Katie reminded us of the DC Modern Quilt Guild meeting coming up and I marked it in my calender.
(Amy, Kim, Katie)

In the same mindset to meet people in real life, I attended today's DC Modern Quilt Guild for a day of sewing, guild business and show and tell.  I was so pleasantly surprised to see there were a few blog authors I read or have read, Flickr feeds that I stalk or IG users I chat with as attendees.  The atmosphere was open and welcoming and even though I arrived late, sewed a bit on the floor and didn't have any official show and tell (I was able to show the blocks for 2 projects I have... the members asking to see what you are working on if you don't have a finish handy), I really enjoyed myself.  I will gladly join up and plan to submit my dues next month for the year.

It's always so nerve-wracking to walk into a place where you aren't sure of the environment or if you will be comfortable or welcomed. To be pleasantly surprised. It's also very nerve-wracking to stand up and introduce yourself, hold up a couple blocks in their rawest form to show other quilters, many who you have an inferiority complex about (whether true or not).  Honestly, why do we do that to ourselves? Why do we always have this insecure question of, will my work be good enough?  I make a lot of mistakes and I love my quilts for them b/c they are unique and yet, I still have that nagging fear of acceptance.  ugh...

I digress... I held up these 2 blocks for what I was working on. One, a bit of an impromptu sew along over on IG.  The hashtag, for you IG users, is #xplusalong.  This is the second impromptu sew along this month, the first being a scrappy trip around the work (using a tutorial from and I decided that when I did these, because they are quick blocks, I could make these my Quilts of Valor quilts this year for donations.
The second block is this never-ending Jinny Beyer quilt for my sisters.  I am committed to completing this one this year and openly asked anyone to feel free to question me on its progress if it crosses your mind.  I want all the incentive/help to stay on target as I can get.  
The attendees gave me warm and fuzzies, with oohs and ahhs and asking for me to hold them up for pictures.   It's so nice to have oohs and ahhs and the nice thing is, it's freely given by you and everyone else because I found myself sufficiently interested and impressed in what everyone else was working on and/or their finished projects and the creative process through all.

Is this what I've been missing all these years by not being a part of a guild or have I landed into a good one with a great group of folks willing to share, listen and enjoy each other and each other's creations?  

I'm a happy bean at the moment. Thank you, Katie, for reminding me of the meetings and thank you DC Modern Quilt Guild for being so welcoming and warm.  I'm really looking forward to being a part of this group this year.



  1. I love those blogs...and you are right, it is never racking to walk or to meet someone for the first time....but you always seem to make others feel comfortable. I will always remember our day together....glad you had fun.

  2. I know what you mean--I actually traveled from CA to MN a couple of years ago to attend a quilting retreat with only ten of us--none of whom I had ever met in real life. I tend to be a loner so that was completely out of my comfort zone. Especially for a whole weekend in such a small group. What if they didn't like me? What if I didn't like them? Turned out to be the best experience ever. And now it's an annual event that I really look forward to.

    On another note, I'm just getting ready to destash and I have a bunch of blue/red/patriotic fabric. Would you be interested in any of it for just the price of shipping? I could send you a picture.

  3. I am so glad you came! I know I have come across your blog before, so it was great to meet you in real life. The Jinny Beyer block was so pretty- and since you sat with your back to the window, it literally glowed when you held it up!

  4. Ha! Yay and welcome!! I still have to talk myself into going each month. And then when I get there, I am so glad I went. I'm glad to know I'm not the only insecure one;) But you have nothing to be insecure about!

    Sorry about having to sew on the ground. We haven't ever had that many come. Looks like our little group is getting bigger. I think this is going to be a great year for DCMQG! Glad you will be part of that.
