
Monday, September 16, 2013

Mug Rug Revival Swap

Since I've been neglecting this blog, I have a few older finishes to catch you up on. This one is about the swap I joined in May.  It was a blind swap, which can be difficult but I love. I truly enjoy the little bit of online stalking for my partner's favorite photos and tastes

My partner didn't have too many favorites but what I did find, had a leaning toward thread painting and fabric art. Neither of which I had experience with but I did want to try.  I thought and thought.  And thought.

About 5 days before the deadline to mail, I decided on a plan.  Make a reversible mug rug. One side, sassy and fun. The other side, thread painting and art.

For the sassy and fun, well, a Maxine block of course!

I was at the Mid Atlantic Quilt festival and I decided to purchase stencils and paints that use shaving cream as a medium.  I painted poppies on some blue fabric and then decided to use thread to create clouds and a little bit of rain.  I am so pleased with how it came out that I feel like I just might try this thread painting thing again. Luckily, my partner also liked the mug rug.  Both sides!
Here's a darker picture but it shows the thread painting better.
The rug I received in all of this, a sarcastic "good morning sunshine" rug. It's perfect for me. I don't necessarily feel all that chipper in the morning so it helps me smile or gives me something to be sardonic at instead of the live people who cross my path before the coffee kicks in. Plus she sent along a little cross stitch of my initial and a handmade card. So sweet!
Swaps are fun.



  1. Hey There! It was funny, I was just going into Bloglovin to catch up on some inspiration and this was the first post I saw! How cool is that. Maxine is super happy here! and yes, this recipient loves both sides!

  2. It's always fun to try new techniques and even better when you ace it and it looks as wonderful as your swap pressie.

    The one you received is perfect - I know how much you love mornings...
