
Monday, December 9, 2013

Sew Mama Sew Giveaway Day - Pillow Covers

****GIVEAWAY IS NOW CLOSED**** Thank you to all who stopped by.****
The winner, by number generator is Melissa!  She's the 34th entry out of 41. Congratulations, Melissa!
"Melissa Palmer said...
My family would go to the Christmas Eve service every year. So one year, back in the day, my youngest brother (12 at the time... yes, 12), got ALL. THE. WAY. TO. CHURCH... and then realized he wasn't wearing shoes as he was getting out of the car. Hilarious, and oh so typical of him :) We make fun of him every year for it!

Thanks for the chance! Those pillows are GORGEOUS!

I may be missing a lot of blogging opportunity lately but I'm not going to miss posting a giveaway for all y'all!
Sew Mama Sew has organized a wonderful day again and I'm excited to join in and use this to jump start my blogging again. I've missed you so much, but that's not important right now, what's important is to get to the fun stuff.

I'm giving away these matching pillow covers.  They will fit a 16" square pillow form.
(Note: I am not including the pillow forms but they are standard forms from any craft store or Walmart.)

To enter, please leave a comment telling me a good funny family holiday story (any holiday if you don't celebrate Christmas).  NOTE: if you are a no-reply blogger or leaving an anonymous comment & do not include an email I can reach you if you win, your entry will be disregarded. The moral, please be sure to leave an email if you are one of those. Thanks! 

Giveaway is open until Friday, Dec. 13 at 8pm ET and I will ship internationally and will choose the winner randomly from the comments.

My funniest holiday story would have to be the one where my mother tried to kill the entire family one Thanksgiving.  We got to her condo and just outside the door, the smell was awful. When we got in, even worse! She told us she just made dad take out the garbage b/c it had to be the cat litter and while we thought this was stretching it, we figured, "okay".  No, about 10 more minutes and we couldn't take the stench any more. 5 grown adults and 3 adolescents started sniffing around the 900 sq ft condo looking for the smell. We all converged on the stove at the same time.

Hubs opened the oven door and the gagging commenced.  He closed the door. Mom profusely stated she just bought this, thawed it properly, it couldn't be the bird.  We opened the door again. She shut up.

I don't know who took the bird out to the back deck to torture the neighbors (frankly, I don't know how they all didn't come beating on her door b/c her smell had to be ruining their turkey day smell) but I know it wasn't me.

Mom started calling stores to see if she could find an unfrozen bird or breast. I opened the wine. Dad and hubs went to get the new bird.  The girls drank and then, like any family who needs to waste time, after we had a few under our belts, we started drunk Skyp-ing and I decided calling Ms Shay of Quilting in My Pyjamas fame, to introduce her to my kin was a good idea.

Seriously after that, Shay only answered one Skype call after that. I think she felt sorry for me but has ultimately realized that if she's not talking to me, the police will have no reason to haul her out of bed at midnight one night when one member of my family has finally succeeded in offing the rest and the police need witnesses to determine what happened when and how. Wise choice, Shay, I'd probably have done the same. -wink-  It's a wonder I'm still on her blog roll list.  The woman must not be as administratively judicious on her blog as she is on screening Skype.

So, while to this day mom laments her best plan had not worked, the rest of us are not so silently thankful our noses weren't all stuffed up that fateful day. (And yes, we've had Thanksgiving's since without incident.)

So, you want to win these pillow covers or what?  Share your tale!



  1. We were late for Christmas dinner at my out-of-town sister's house. Everyone was waiting, I was running around trying to gather up kids, food, gifts. My husband was ready to lock the door of the house and asked me to get the keys out of the ignition and throw them to him. I had so much adrenaline flowing I threw them too hard and they ended up on the roof of the house! We were quite late arriving at my sister's!

  2. It's not *technically* a Christmas story, but last year a few days after the holiday I was at a quilt shop when the very sweet owner asked my (then) 4 year old what Santa brought her. My child looked her straight in the eye and told her that Santa isn't real. She was quite taken aback!

    We obviously don't do Santa here, but that was a good chance to remind her that some people do and you just don't go around saying things like that. :)

  3. One Christmas when we were youngsters we had all opened all our gifts and basking in the family/present glow when my mother said, "wait, what about the walkman's I bought you all?" That was a premium gift we would have never even asked for but we were thrilled to hear she'd gotten us one. She just had put them in a safe place. We have yet to see them :)

  4. One Christmas my family travelled to the US on a big family trip. We had booked all of our accomodation sight unseen and when we got to Orlando, Florida, we found our hotel to be the pits and waaay overpriced.
    So my dad went and found a MUCH better hotel for a better rate about 300 metres down the road and promptly booked us in.
    But, rather than catch a cab with our luggage for 300 metres, we decided to all walk down Interstate 4 dragging our luggage behind us! I bet everyone laughed at the "weirdo tourists" that day!!!

  5. When my brother was 3 my grandparents were so excited to get him this little moving robot. It had lights and made noises. Really cute, what little boy wouldn't love it. When he first turned it on he was so scared he ran from the room crying. It wasn't very funny for him, but all of us sure laughed!

  6. mine is a thanksgiving story. i had a migraine, and took what i THOUGHT were two tylenol, but actually turned out to be two sleeping pills! while riding in the car to my in-laws' house, i was worried i might be having a stroke when the pills kicked in. then i somehow realized what i'd done. i stumbled into their house and fell into an armchair, calling for someone to bring me food so i could wake up! luckily, i knew them pretty well at this point, so it was a big laugh for everyone.

  7. 4 years ago, when my oldest was about 1, at my inlaws - their nervous dachshund suddenly ran around, frantically pooping. It was right in the middle of opening presents and caused quite a panic. My MIL was mortified, so no laughing at the time, but my husband and I still laugh about how gross and absurd the whole thing was - everyone leaping up and vaulting over presents trying to catch the dog.

  8. love these pillows. my funniest memory was when i was around 5 or 6.i had three old brothers and one older sister. we had about a dozen horses. my dad thought it would be a hoot if he put horse manure in a plastic bag in each gift box. when they all opened their presents they did not no what to say. my oldest brother got mad and threw manure, box and all in the fireplace before dad could stop him. dad had taped cash to the bottom of the box!! thank you for sharing your story, it was so funny.

  9. It was our first year in our first house and Christmas was getting close. We were sitting around reading and we heard all this noise coming from outside. Firetrucks were going by and we were afraid some house was on fire. We quickly got our coats on and ran outside. We heard Christmas music blaring and were really confused. The firetrucks came around again and on top was Santa.

    We have since learned that they come through the neighborhood every year. It is now a tradition to catch Santa riding around.

  10. Oh my...I remember the first year I baked the turkey and left the "bag" inside the bird. I was so embarrassed.
    tarter95 at hotmail dot com

  11. We brought our dog to my aunt's house for Christmas. My cousin's dog was there, too. Then my uncle, who had been estranged from the family, showed up. It was stressful and tense in the house. We all sat down to dinner and my mom started to say a blessing. Just then the two dogs started to fight and about knocked the Christmas tree down. We figure they felt the tension in the air!

  12. One year when they were teenagers, my husband and his younger brother were wrapping presents. They used up all the gift wrap and decided to use the empty tube on the younger brother to make reindeer antlers, wrapping lots of tape around his head. It was funny until they tried to remove them and the younger brother's hair was pulled out.

  13. My brother (a teen at the time) was excited to see our cousins. He lifted our 2-yr-old cousin up in the air, in the living room at Grandma's house. All our aunts & uncles were around, Grandma & Grandpa too! My brother lifted up our cousin right into the chandelier. THe chandelier broke into a million pieces and scattered around the room. Oops!
    mandiprout80 at gmail. com

  14. Love your pillow covers! I can't think of a truly funny incident, we're pretty sedate around here. One time when my son had a friend over for dinner, we had all sat down. His older sister opened a bottle of salad dressing and as she released the cap, it blew up all over everything and everyone. We were cleaning it up off the ceiling,the doors and in cracks for days. What was truly priceless, though, was our poor visitor's face. He didn't know whether to laugh or run :)

  15. My mom would hide presents all year long. Come December she'd have no idea what all she bought nor where all of it was hidden. I remember her stashing a replica sword for my brother in my didn't resurface until February which worked out because that's when his birthday is! :) Thanks for participating!

  16. Love these pillow covers. You always hear about people hiding gifts they buy early and forgetting them. Well, we found one hidden in the closet and it was for my husband. I honestly could not remember what it was, but we had a laugh and he opened it. A puzzle ball. I am happy to follow you on Bloglovin. Merry Christmas. crystalbluern at onlineok dot com

  17. I remember one Christmas where the family got into this big fight because my cousin was going to religious college which my grandparents approved of and my Aunt (who had married in...:) said that she would be better off going to secretarial school so she could get a job. Not funny haha. But I can still see the look on my grandfathers face when my grandma was insisting that they leave immediately.

  18. That is the best funny story every. When my children were young we were searching a tree farm for the perfect tree. The boys got tired of looking and told us girls to pick one. We picked the fattest tree we could find. Weeks later when we went to pick it up it had been raining for days and hubby had to drag it through the mud then clean it off with the house at home. Once we were ready to take it inside we couldn't get it to fit through the door. There was lots of pushing shoving and eventually cutting before it took over half of the living room. Hubby is still complaining about that one and wont let me pick the tree any more.

  19. My cousin was playing Santa for the younger cousins. He got in the suit and waited in the office while we got the young one settled around the tree. After 5 minutes of loudly saying the KEY word, someone went looking and found him asleep in the desk chair. Apparently the suit was really warm and he was full from a holiday dinner!

  20. When I was a child, my cousins and I would all play spoons. It's a card game where the object is to get a spoon at the end of each round. There's one too few each round. (think musical chairs)We kept playing and would have the right amount of spoons every so rounds. We couldn't figure out why... Then we realized one cousin had been hiding one under his leg so he wouldn't get out... Not everyone laughed at the time but we all give him a hard time now.

  21. My mom once forgot the sugar in her pumpkin pies at Thanksgiving. My dad and I each took a bite and looked at each other. It tasted like paste! My grandpa, however, ate the whole piece, never knowing anything was wrong with it!

  22. Anonymous12/11/2013

    There was the one Christmas that my husband was out in the garage putting together Christmas gifts for my children after they went to bed. I was running around doing everything else and then went to bed. I was in a deep sleep and finally woke up to him banging on the door. Apparently I locked him out in the garage. He had been knocking for 2 hours. Opps!:)

  23. You know what? I am cheeky and I will enter your give away! And I am still not a dog person but some are really cute and gorgeous.
    A story about a holiday? Ok! When we went home two years ago we had a huge travel by train. My girl was excited to go to Granny and after a long journey we were on the second train (after bus, plain, taxi and train and about 10 hours). This train had one of these things to tell you the next station (like in an underground). So when we started she started to read: the name of the station, the time in single numbers and the final station. As she is not able to read German at this time she was pronouncing the city in English. Believe me I could not stop laughing and when she saw that she did not stop reading ...

  24. My mom had this awful boyfriend who poured gravy over my 13 year old brother's head one year, for no reason. It was one of those WTF situations. Not funny at the time, still kinda not funny, but it gets told year after year with shaking heads and a 'that guy was such a loser'.

  25. I had to tell my daughter yesterday that Santa was always watching her so today she looks at me while I am scolding her and tells me that Santa is watching me!

  26. These are gorgeous! I remember my brother trapping us in the hallway on Christmas morning while my parents finished putting "Santa" out. Nothing like your big brother being mean right when you wake on on Christmas morning!

  27. One year we came home after attending our son's school Christmas concert to discover that our two dogs had had a party in our absence. The tree was down. The presents containing chocolates were unwrapped, the gingerbread house had been pulled off the counter and eaten. The two dogs were very sick (served them right - they even broke and apparently drank a bottle of Drambuie) and we had very colorful poops to clean up for the next week.

  28. I can't match your story but one Christmas my mum was busy steaming what she thought was the Christmas pudding - unfortunately she'd taken the wrong bowl out of the freezer and we had ox tongue for dessert that year!

  29. I'm reminded every Thanksgiving about my first Thanksgiving as a wife and mom with the inlaws over. My MIL, who never liked me at all, wend outside (where the bird was bbq'ing) to get drippings for gravy. Someone closed the patio door while she was out there and she tried to come back in she walked into the glass door, breaking her wrist. Doesn't sound "funny", until you hear her telling everyone that would listen how it was my fault for keeping my sliding glass door too clean.

  30. My sister always invites her ex boyfriend Walter, since he is a member of the family. One year he had a crazy girlfriend who wouldn't let him come, even though he wanted to. He invited her and she showed up 9surprisingly) but wouldn't eat anything even though we were very nice to her and insisted, and kept holding her hands up so she didn't touch anything, (I guess she was a germaphobe). She was very rude, so when she said to Walter, " I think we may need to leave soon", both me and my sister jumped up and said "OK! Wow great to have met you. Here is your coat, bye bye." We didn't hide that we wanted her to go, she was very rude and CRAZY. It's funny to look back on, but when it happened we couldn't believe someone like that came. What a jerk. We still love Walter though but we never let him live it down. This Thanksgiving we all sat at the table with our hands up and looks on our faces like everything was dirty and gross.

  31. I received a really funny gift one year from my Dad. He sent me my very own adult size Onesy with the feet and it was red and blue stipes! Crazy gift and I put it on immediately and we all started laughing!! Thanks for the chance to win, I love the fabric you chose for the pillow covers :)

  32. One year my mom got a new coat for Christmas and she forgot to cut off the tags before we went to church. She realized when we got home and was so mad at all of us for not telling her! We never noticed either, haha.

  33. I honestly can't think of a funny story right now. At least, not one that would make sense when you don't know the people involved... Guess I could make one up..haha!

  34. My family would go to the Christmas Eve service every year. So one year, back in the day, my youngest brother (12 at the time... yes, 12), got ALL. THE. WAY. TO. CHURCH... and then realized he wasn't wearing shoes as he was getting out of the car. Hilarious, and oh so typical of him :) We make fun of him every year for it!

    Thanks for the chance! Those pillows are GORGEOUS!

    mjp_0419 at yahoo dot com

  35. I guess it's quite funny, but the year my family moved into the house my dad built, we were set to host Thanksgiving in our new place. Well we go to turn on both the ovens simultaneously for the first time in the house, for the turkey and other dishes, and they shut down! The wiring was done so poorly, we are unable to keep cooking our food "conventionally" and have to heat everything on our bar-b-que out back. We certainly won't forget it any time soon. Thank you for asking a fun question, and for having a great giveaway prize.

  36. The time it took me THREE hours to get the Christmas lights untangled!

  37. Anonymous12/13/2013

    My brother had to write a school essay on a family holiday tradition......the only one he could think of was the part where the Christmas tree always fell over and was soundly sworn at.
    t_ktl at

  38. The year I hid the kids presents at the neighbours house and they went away for Christmas on Christmas Eve, without telling me. That was funny :(

  39. when i was little, my mom asked me to get a sweater for her out of her drawer in april. I went and found one of those giant boxes of crayons, she had forgotten to put them under the tree at christmas. nice present for me later though.

  40. emmevon(at)gmail(dot)com
    We used to go on hikes after opening presents

  41. A few thanksgivings ago, my brother was commenting on all the stuffed animal turkeys he'd been given over the years (beanie babies, etc.), and he always took them out to decorate around the house at Thanksgiving. We took them and put them all in a turkey roaster, and had fun taking pictures of us holding them, as if we were baking them. And then, the pics of them in the oven, a few outside the pan as if they were escaping... I guess you had to be there.. (grin).
