
Wednesday, August 20, 2008

NY Tornado - Part 3

I have bitten the bullet, I'm the first to hang the NY Tornado and now it's time to let it spin along. See the photo below, this is the view of the halls right as you walk in the front door. It's in a prominent place...

I hope many of you who receive it do come along and post a comment to this post letting us all know it's arrived and moved on.

Now, just for you readers, a copy of the note going along with the NY Tornado.


The NY Tornado has touched down and now you have to handle the aftermath but first, you must know the Tornado has been sent to you by someone who loves you dearly and wanted you to experience it, just as they had. Here’s what you must do to be able to clean up after this particular Tornado.

This Tornado must hang in your home, in a conspicuous location for at least one week (longer if you desire). When you take the Tornado down, sigh the back with the pen provided. Include your first name, city and state. Last name or other family member names are optional. Next, mail the NY Tornado on to a loved one you know will be as grateful as you were to receive such a surprise or, if and when possible, simply hang this Tornado in the home of your loved one. (Please, no holes in the walls, simply remove a picture and use the nail already created.)

Once the NY Tornado is on its way or has been hung elsewhere, please post a comment to this blog,, or send an email to me at _X_ and I will post the notice of where it was and has gone to. This should help us all keep track of where the Tornado has last been spotted touching down. We will share the love and beauty of the NY Tornado as long as possible and with as many as possible.

For the story behind this quiltlet, and the reason for its journey, please read the back of this paper. Thank you for your humor and participation!

Kindest Regards, B (a.k.a., the Sarcastic Quilter)

The NY Tornado Quiltlet’s abbreviated story:This quiltlet was created as a result of a quilting challenge. The challenge was to use specific NY Beauty block patterns and an ugly fabric you had in your stash. The challenge was called “Beauty and the Beast” and the object was to use your ugly fabric in a large area of the block but to disguise it in any way possible using the pattern and other fabrics. The rest of this story is posted on my blog but in short, I am proud I did exactly what I was supposed to do. The ugly fabric is the off white fabric with colored clouds. However, I cannot get past feeling this quiltlet is still ugly and sitting with family, I wondered aloud what I should do with it now that it was complete. A joke started about leaving it in someone’s home but that’s limited to those few who knew the quiltlet’s story. Then it made sense. Share this quiltlet and its story with many. Too much work went in it to throw it away but no one really wants to keep it (and really, if the quilter feels like that, is it a no wonder others do?) Since it looked like a tornado ripping apart city skyscrapers to me, I named it the NY Tornado and I am watching it spin out of my home and to each and every one of you. I hope it doesn’t get stuck in one location too long and I really hope you enjoy passing along this proverbial fruitcake to the next lucky recipient as much as I enjoy seeing this get passed on to you."

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