
Tuesday, September 9, 2008

Broken fingers

Well, I was "out of sewing commission" for approximately 2 weeks (typing also). Why? 2 broken fingers on my left hand due to a basketball game with my step-son, the index and middle fingers to be precise. Because the break on both fingers was at the base of the finger, right before the knuckles on your palm, my hand had to be immobilized by a splint which ran from elbow to finger tip.
I know what you are thinking, "your finger tips still show, you wimp. You could still stabilize the fabric with your fingertips or splint and let it run through the machine, even if you couldn't hand stitch."

Well, rest assured, I thought the same thing and tried it. EXCEPT HOLY HECK! The first week it hurt (even with the 800mg of ibuprophen I was taking for swelling) to put any pressure on it. So, one week down. Week two, hardly any pain at all and I tried but straight line sewing, no matching seams was all I was able to accomplish with such a large unwieldy splint. The shap under the fingers was that of a hollowed out ball. Needless to say, 2 weeks out.

Then what happens? Kids and I return from our summer stay in TN and I've brought a new puppy into the house now also. Hmm, school starting, settling back into the house and getting a new puppy settled. Oh yeah, and making sure the old puppy can live with the change, too! Sewing took a back seat again.

Honestly, I haven't even sent my NY Tornado on its way yet but I will. I have decided who it's going to and they should receive it this week.

As for sewing, I've started that back up again with washing, ironing and cutting fabrics for the kids Christmas quilts I'm doing. J's (an attic window design) and K's (a 4-patch variation) quilts should be relatively quick to make, cutting and ironing were likely to be the longest for those two. P's quilt has all the flying geese blocks sewn, that's what I was working on when I broke my fingers, so I will start the sashing soon and S's quilt fabric has been washed and ironed but needs to be cut now. He'd like a pinapple quilt. This will take the longest to cut and piece but I'm confident I will get them done.

A couple other projects in front of me. DH wants a blanket for hunting and I owe a b-day present So here is my timeline:
DH's and B's (friend's son) to a friend's son. He's opted to forego the video game if I would make a blanket like one he saw in my son's room. The good news on both of those are they are both VERY simple fleece blankets which I should be able to crank out in a couple hours.

I also start part 2 of my Quilting the Psalms group in Oct. I have to finish a couple blocks from Part 1 but believe I can get that accomplished soon.

Finally, the cream of the crop, I am designing a quilt for dad. I do not want to say any more than that on the off chance he comes by and reads this but suffice it to say, I want to leave LOTS of time to work on that. I will speak about it retroactively after the holidays.

blankets done by 9/13.
S's fabric cut on/about 9/12-9/14.
P's sashing sewn by 9/20.
J's windows & K's 4-patch blocks sewn by 9/22.
J's sashing & K's sashing sewn by 9/29.
Psalm quilt blocks by 9/30.

Sounds like a lot for this month but I don't really think so, especially given how quick J's and K's will go.

Wish me luckfor Sept. since Oct. will focus on S's and Dad's quilts!

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