
Wednesday, July 1, 2009

Amidst the move

I am packing and clearing of junk for the move to TN, I managed to make a couple items for DD. Sewed up a pair of torn capris to be shorts (not pictured) and then made this skirt... not that happy with it but DD is and that's what counts. Got the idea from this site but deviated from the tute (which is probably why I don't like it).

I also made a couple shrugs (instructions here) from old t-shirts and ribbon. DD loves them. One is pictured below.

(ps please ignore the grey t-shirt, these photos were for modeling purposes only.)

Finally, I bought some material from JoAnn's and made 2 of these dresses, 1 for DD and 1 for her friend. They LOVE them. Can I tell you? Bias tape makes fantastic ties for sundresses. Holds together when tied much better than ribbon.

Tonight I will be sewing ribbon on DD's quilt as binding and packing up my bedroom.

Tomorrow, hopefully, pictures of DD's quilt for you and then no more updates for several days as sewing machines all get packed up once DD's quilt is finished.


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