
Friday, July 3, 2009

The Quilting Goddesses DO like me!

Sort of.

I still wasn't thrilled with DD's (K's) quilting design but I was mustering through. I finished it and removed it from the frame. Then, on a trip to JoAnn's to pick up some interfacing for another project, I came acrosse some 2" wide ribbon rolls on sale 2 for $5. LIGHTBULB moment. Bought 2, took them home and used them as the binding.

I was very happy and could tell it finished it all off nicely. Pulled the varigated thread and design from the quilting together with the fabrics. Looked very good.

I felt the Quilting Goddesses were feeling generous towards me.

One quick question, though... I used chalk to mark the quilt design and in some places, the orange didn't rinse or wash out like usual. I never had this problem before.

What do you do? Just keep washing until it goes away? It's not terrible but really, I don't want to leave it.

Cheers! Beck


  1. The quilt turned out wonderfully! I'm a true believer that quilting can turn something 'okay' into something stunning.

    As for the orange (orange? seriously? where did orange come from?) markings: try one of those stick stain removers (the ones that look kinda like stick deodorant). I use Spray n Wash Stain Stick. Wipe it along the lines you want gone, let it sit for awhile (like until it's time to do laundry), then wash it up.

    *I used to preach NOT to use tailor's chalk to mark lines on quilts b/c it doesn't wash out. On closer examination, though, I found that I'd used lt. green thread for the quilting instead of the cream I thought I'd used. It was the thread, not the chalk that had the blue tinge!!!

  2. Oh wow, you would think chalk would wash out.....I have no suggestions but hopefully, it will come out.

    Love the quilting you did in the quilt...
