
Friday, May 27, 2011

And the WINNER is...

Thanks to, the winner chosen between 1 and 159 is #53.

This is JESSICA!

"Jessica said...

What a beautiful quilt! I've always wanted one!
I have never been to a crafting class or retreat, but would love to. I'm just learning how to sew and would love to learn new techniques!

Thanks a lot!
May 23, 2011 10:18 PM"

Congratulations, Jessica! I'll be contacting you through email to finalize the details of sending you the quilt. (I'd post a final picture here but blogger and my camera are not friends today so it will be posted soon.)

Thank you for all the comments and compliments I received during the giveaway,  I enjoyed reading them all!

Cheers, Beck


  1. Congratulations Jessica

  2. Congratulations Jessica. May you and your wonderful giveaway prize snuggle together for many years to come.
