
Wednesday, June 1, 2011

Weigh-in Wed - Chicken Tortilla

Stats first. 160 lbs.
JM Shred video: still currently at Level 1

So, I'm a teensy bit frustrated but not quite frustrated. Let me explain. I gained 1 lb and that's frustrating because I've actually worked Jillian's shred 6 out of 7 days this week PLUS took a 3 mile, brisk walk 2 of the days.  I feel good, I'm not as starving as when I started exercising so I am keeping the food intake way down. Snacking rarely exists and if it does, I'm good about a yogurt, maybe a fig newton or two is the worse I've had. But when I say way down, I mean... almost non-existent.

I'm not frustrated because I feel good. I'm tired, in a good way, but I feel more fit. Not that my clothes can tell or that the scale tells, but I can do the whole Jillian Level 1 without it threatening my life, now. Today's workout was significantly easier than ever before and if tomorrow is the same (meaning this is not a fluke), then I will move up to Level 2 on Friday.  We will see.

So, my weight is up 1 lb. My snacking is way down and food choices are good but they can be better. I was WAY sick of salads and then ended up with crappy working hours so I slacked a lot on the veggie front. I didn't eat much but meat and carbs does not lend to weight loss. Even if you are exercising a bit.

So, this week, I am planning the weekly menu. The hubs messed it up yesterday but I'm going to be firm on our diet and see what happens. I'm calling it an experiment. I have to feed him, me,  and the kids so that means tasty plus protein enough to fill us all (he's doing P90X work outs so needs more filling calories).
The plan: Salmon, Elk burgers, Chicken breast, Pasta salad - maybe with tuna, Veggie Pizza, Steak, Cod. A boatload of veggies with all. BIG switch, mostly fresh veggies and little carb... That's the goal, people.

Today's recipe I don't have a picture of but it's super simple.

1    4 or 6 inch corn tortilla (I bought a bag from the store)
1 Tbsp Sweet Potato Butter (pumpkin butter or apple butter work well here also)
1.5 oz. chopped, cooked chicken breast
1/4 cup shredded green cabbage

Heat tortilla as instructed on the package
Spread butter on the tortilla, add chicken and cabbage

This is a simple little recipe and one that is completely adaptable. The reason I posted it is you can use this for any meat and veggie combination you want. Use a hummus spread in stead of the butters if you like that sort of thing.  It just helps you portion your meals. If I am not hungry, 1 of these with yogurt or fruit work. If I'm hungry, 2 aren't bad because it's onl y 3oz of chicken.

The other thing I like about this, super quick to do!

So, how is everyone else doing? I tell you, knowing I'm posting here has helped me keep honest and with it. I am looking forward to the day I can start posting a significant change.  I am thinking wtih better nutrition and my exercise, it will come soon.  (At least that's what I hope.)

Oh, and one more thing. I'm going to try this Bloat Stopping Green Smoothie this week. I'll let you know if it's good like they said or if I've learned my wine loving sisters, Hoda and Kathie Lee are liars! lol

Cheers! Beck


  1. Keep at are doing good.

  2. Look at the weather...all that water you're retaining so you can sweat in this heat is what's showing up on the scale. How about a little exercise Saturday at the QU show at Dulles Expo Center?

  3. yum that sounds good.

    I agree with Susan, it could be water retention; keep it up, you are doing great!

  4. That gain is muscle. And you're feeling better and more fit so really your weigh in weight is just a number this week.

    My eating habits are crap at the moment. Two chocolate bars yesterday , chips and a load of lollies (Damn my admin staff -I think Im going to ban their lolly jar!)

  5. I agree with Shay, that the gain is probably muscles.

    What is elk burgers? Tofu is great too, lots of protein and yummy. Kids might not like the texture though... if you have the right sauce, it's great.

  6. I am so proud of you, Beck!

    That Jillian shred is a killer - I agree that you're obviously gaining muscle (which, if you believe what they tell us....will soon start to burn fat).

    So glad you feel great - your menu sounds fab for next week!
