
Monday, October 24, 2011

Another Embroidery Block

I jumped on the sewing bandwagon again this week but have little to show so far except this embroidery block. 
I have to say, tehre are some things I've learned. I cannot rotate the hoop and embroider in only one direction, if that makes sense.  However, if I keep the hoop level, then I sew a much more even stitch.  I find this a little annoying because it means my left hand rarely changes position and I have to stop and stretch it.  

Anyway... a set of reversible placemats are being made right now for my sister with some fabric that was simply too cute to pass up and that ended up with her request for a new tablecloth also.  No good deed goes unpunished, right? lol  Pics of the placemats will be posted as soon as I bind them.  The tablecloth may take a little longer. :)

Hmm, what else am I working on simultaneously? A mini-project for my secret swap partner from the Sewing Summit (well, not secret to me but she doesn't know I'm sending her something).  I am not going to provide hints about what it looks like because I don't have a definitative design yet.  You'll know when I know, which means, when it's done. -wink- I have to mail it by 11/5 so you will see it very soon.

That's all about me.  How about you, what are you up to this week?


  1. I love this block. I'm just finishing up my October block; I had stopped at June lol. no sewing for me lately, it's all been embroidery.

  2. Love the rainbow bird. Especially the way the rainbow fades over his head, looks like morse code in the dot dash dotvdahbat the end - nothing rude I hope LOL

  3. Love your stitchery!!

  4. Very nice stitching! Your block is really cute!

  5. I just love these little birds!
