
Tuesday, October 18, 2011

Small accomplishments

I realized I forgot to show you the embroidery block I completed on the plane ride out to Salt Lake City, UT. 

Also, just finished another test cathedral window mini. I tell you, I'm not completely satisfied with the tutorial I previously used but I was trying it again here with some modifications in process.  Can't say I'm thrilled but it is a practice piece so I get to see what works and what doesn't. One day, when I have a method that allows lazy me (I hate pinning) and less than perfect me (I cannot seem to get perfect folds from a perfect starting square which is supposed to create the perfect finished square) to get a beautiful finish, I will be sure to share it with you.



  1. Both looks awesome...maybe you are a little too hard on yourself?

  2. love your cathedral windows! so pretty. and the embroidery block is adorable

  3. Both projects look great!

  4. Very interesting design. I see you are still experimenting; I am sure we will see even more fantastic stuff than the pictures you just shared! It is not only the month for Halloween, but breast cancer awareness month!!! Treat yourself or a loved one because you care! I am just stopping by with a reminder to do your self breast exam.
    Here's a fun place to start! Everybody loves boob lube!
