
Tuesday, October 11, 2011

Sewing Summit - Final Day

Despite a cruddy night's sleep, I was up and out the door to breakfast in a jiffy. Chatted it up with folks, drank plenty of coffee, watched door prizes get handed out once again (there were a LOT of door prize drawings) and then off to my first "class".
I decided to attend the Author's Panel, not because I have any interest in publishing but because I thought it was worth listening to how they moved into a new "area" within their field.  I figured it might be useful. I didn't leave empty handed and should I ever decide I want to try to publish anything, I have some good notes. These ladies all had different stories of how they got there but end result is the same with all businesses. If you want to break in, have a plan, have a prayer and expect it takes time. :)
Next class, Documenting Your Creativity - Blogging and Social Media led by Dana Bolyard of Old Red Barn Co

This was yet another engaging class and full of discussion. The main point of the class, however, (and I don't think she'd mind my repeating it) is to ask yourself, "what is my focus".  What is my focus for my blog or tweets, etc.  While I think I have a focus, I think it might be more of a soft focus. lol   Anyway, I like what she had to say and I may be making some changes over the next few months but don't you worry, I'll still be me. :)

At the last meeting of the day, (basically an adjourning of the Summit) more door prizes were handed out and I won! I won a Clover Iron with a variety of attachments but since I don't applique much and a girl at my table does, I gave it over to her.   I was feeling generous becuase I also won a door prize (a  pattern book) in the Author's Panel
and I won the silent auction item of 2 yards custom print spoonflower organic cotton fabric.  Can you say, "hooray"! I guess I can't say I never win anymore, can I?
And now, folks, I feel it's VERY IMPORTANT to take a moment and give you a word (okay, lots of buttons) from our sponsors, without whom, this great weekend couldn't be without.  Please do take a moment to look around their sites and ask questions. Feel free to let them know you heard about them as a result of the Summit (they'd love that).  Don't forget to scroll through, I do have pictures of my other goodies won/bought from the weekend for your perusal.
BabyLock - they brought in machines (the Grace) for us to use over the weekend and set up some other demo machines for us to look at and try.  Let me tell you, I found these machines to be quiet and easy to use and the sergers (while I didn't use them) look like a great asset for those garment/specialty sewers! Take a look at what they have to offer, I guarantee you will be pleasantly surprised also.  (PS - Look at the little gift baggie they gave us. We have a pattern for a simple little clutch with the fabric.)
AdornIt - I bought a couple charm packs from them. Love the price, love the fabric line, love the concept.

The Warm Company - awesome batting. Enough said.

Burda Style - oh, you won't be disappointed if you mosey over there!

Delish - a new publication that I can't wait to see!  The ladies of Delish are sweet and friendly and I really like their concept.
Beebolt - their tagline says it all, "Sew. Learn. Connect." Check it out, ya'll.
Robert Kaufman - honestly, do I need to say anything? Isn't writing the name enough information about this company? -swoon-

Sullivan's - the EDGE ruler, rotary cutter and mats. We used these during the summit with lots of success. the mats are nice and lightweight, very manageable.  The rulers came in many shapes and sizes (so love those) and the cutters fit my hand well. I did manage to need sharper blades but that's not a design flaw, just a lots of quilters/sewists in the room flaw! lol

Martingale Publishers - if you want a book about it, I'll bet you they've got it.

Venezie Designs - ahh, these are such fun designs. They are most definately on my market list of places to shop!
The Fat Quarter Shop - we all already love this store, right?
Lapel Stick - I have not tried this yet but I've heard really great reviews about it, if you have reviews, feel free to comment here.

Patterns by Figgy - there are some great patterns here, people.

Reliable - We used the Velocity Irons and frankly, I liked them. They were nice and hot but I have yet to figure out what the "vibrate" means.  I know, sounds bad, right? Seriously, though, part way through it would start vibrating and I wonder if it was a warning that we were holding the iron too long in one place on the fabric (thus got too hot) and would vibrate to get our attention. I don't know but I'm researching it this week because if that is the case, it is FREAKING AWESOME.

Sheree's Alchemy - check out the fabrics, ya'll.

You Can Make This - such a sweet site, folks.
Generation Q - go there, now.
I want to say a BIG THANK YOU to all of our sponsors, they were the icing on the cake of a fantastic weekend and they were much, much appreciated!

Now, for your viewing pleasure, a few misc. photos.
Fabric scraps/FQ's and a patter from the LQS near the hotel.
Me with some new friends.
 (sorry all those photos are blurry, etc. my camera hates indoor shots and the lighting at the hotel was less than stellar).



  1. all looks so fun....I enjoyed your post.

  2. I can tell you're exhausted but on a high from those days of being inspired and sniffing fabric. 'Fess up how much did you buy?I've just seen Kristie's stack and Im hard pressed to believe she left some for anyone else.

    I'm thrilled you had a great time (and shared it for those of us who live on the wrong side of the world !)

  3. how fun - thanks for taking us on a tour!

    you look great in that last picture!!

  4. Thanks for these great recaps :) It was so great to meet you, and I'll be looking forward to keeping up with you on your blog until next year!

  5. You've been busy! Loved hearing about the Summit, your haircut, and seeing your studio coming together. I really like the Cathedral Window project. Looks complicated.
