
Thursday, December 29, 2011

For you, my followers.

The derailed plan from yesterday was this post. For my birthday, I wanted to give you a big, heartfelt, thank you for being my followers.

I want to host a giveaway.  I currently have 245 followers and it amazes me that you read my posts and have hung around this long.  I don't know what you see in me but I am grateful for your friendships.

So, as a thank you, I'm hosting a surprise giveaway!  I have randomly drawn 3 winners for the 3 prizes below. I will randomly draw 2 winners for the prizes below.

1) You were a follower as of the date/time of this posting.
2)  I will use to draw two winners (first commentor will be #1, second commentor will be #2 and so on.)
3)  You comment on this post between now and Jan.. 1, 2012 12:00am Eastern Time letting me know you are entering (please be sure I can contact you if I draw you as a winner.)
4) Only one comment per person, please.

If your name has been drawn, I will give you through Jan. 1 (ET) for you to respond to my email asking for your address so I can send you your prize. If, at that time, I haven't heard from you, I'll contact an alternate winner I've drawn.

Now, the prizes!

 A book, signed by the author, with small comfort stories of quilts/quilting. I bought book was bought at a quilt show and I picked up two of them so I could share one with you. A note, it has a prayer/meditation them, Christian-based at times, even but all are good little annectdotes and stories.   Also included in the prize, a jelly roll of batiks. Purchased at Hancock's of Paducah, I'd like to share this rll with you. It has blues, greys, creams, and whites.

Second Prize
 Straight pins I won recently but cannot use. Also won but not used, the patterns. It was used slightly by its original (not me) owner but everything is there. Also, a notebook to track your quilt creations. Date/time created, for who, the inspiration of it, etc. It's super cute!
And last but not least for the second prize, these 11beautiful fat quarters. I do not recall the fabric line but I can teel you they are of very good quality.

I want to say again, how much I appreciate you all. Knowing I am writing to someone and not simply to myself is comforting in its own way but also, meeting all of you and getting to know you is a real treasure to me.

I hope you like my gifts and good luck to each and every one of you. Please don't forget to leave a comment to enter!


ps- if you've read this far, on a first come first serve basis, I am offering this skein of yarn to anyone who knits or crochets. Since  this was sent to me in erro for an order, and I was told by the store to keep it, I thought I'd actually pass it to you b/c I don't knit or crochet myself. Whoever is the first commentor today to say they want this will receive it.


  1. I love being a follower...You always make me smile. While I LOVE the yarn, I will leave for the next gal as I really can't say I AM a crochter (my daughter started teaching me on Christmas I do not qualify, yet!)

  2. Happy birthday Becky! What a great way to celebrate with your readers! Your prizes are lovely and I would be thrilled to have won any one of them! The yarn is lovely as well, and while I am both a knitter and crocheter, I have so many projects on my list that I think it would be better to give it to someone who could use it right away.


  3. Happy Birthday! At Paducah I bought one of Mary Tatum's books for my grandma - she loved it and still talks about it.

  4. Hey it's your birthday we're suppose to be giving you stuff :) Thanks for the chance to win. Those fabrics are awesome!!

  5. Happy B-day! I can't sing off key for you but any hoo! I am a follower and agree with Sue about reversing the process. Thanks.

  6. I not only am a loyal follower...I have your link on my sidebar!! Yep-sireee!

    How nice of you to give such wonderful gifts away!!


    OH!! and PS:!! Hap-Hap-HAPPY Birfaday!

  7. Happy Birthday!! How sweet of you to offer a giveaway for YOUR birthday. Shouldn't we be sending stuff to you?

  8. Have a happy birthday. Yep am one of your followers too. Thankyou for such lovely prizes

  9. Happy Birthday Becky! Such great prizes; I love the quilt on the book cover. Thanx for the chance!

  10. What a nice birthday surprise! I'm a happy follower too. I hope you had a joy filled birthday. Thanks for the chance!

  11. Happy birthday!! but I'm sure we should be giving you things!
    I hope you have a great day!

  12. Happy Birthday!

    Happy New Year as well!

  13. Happy birthday and wishing you many more and happy new year. I am a follower and a knitter! thanks for the lovely giveaway.

  14. Happy birthday! Thanks so much for sharing, it is fun to follow! And thanks so much for the give away!

  15. Happy Birthday. I knit and crochet, but the wool isn't really my colour so it would end up in stash for years before I found something to do with it. Someone else is bound to have a better use for it.

  16. Happy Birthday!!! And thanks for the chances to win - what a great giveaway!

  17. Happy Birthday! What a wonderful Giveaway....we should be giving you presents.

  18. Anonymous12/30/2011

    Thanks for a great giveaway! Count me in! I enjoy your posts and the sense of humor you bring to it.

  19. Happy birthday! Thanks for the giveaway, too. I think you have the birthday thing backwards - you're supposed to GET gifts, not give them! ;)

  20. Happy Birthday! You never said how old you are turning ;) Hope you have a wonderful year!

  21. Happy birthday, hope it's a great new year for you! I love that jelly roll, AND those fat quarters. I actually have some pieces/scraps left from some of those same FQ fabrics! Gave up knitting and crocheting when I had tiny "helpful" hands around the house, but I could definitely use the fabrics. Happy New Year!

  22. Anonymous12/30/2011

    Happy Birthday and Happy New Year. I love to crochet! And that would be something lovely for my niece! She has this WONDERFUL bright red hair. I'm thinking maybe a flower pin or something. :)

  23. Sorry! Mom I Pooted is me. I tend to forget which one I'm logged into.

  24. Happy Birthday! What a lovely giveaway you've chosen. I've been a follower for quite some time and I thank you for the opportunity to win your giveaway.

  25. I am a follower :^)

    I have decided to give up knitting so that I might get more sewing done -hasn't really worked!

  26. What a treat that you are giving us something on YOUR birthday. Thanks so much. I've been a follower for quite some time and love your blog. Never doubt that people don't enjoy reading your blog, because I know they do. The wool looks lovely, and if it hasn't been spoken for, I would love to have it.

  27. Anonymous12/30/2011

    I always read your blog you're in my favourties I just dont know how to follow sorry - honestly a wonderful giveaway thanks but with a brother cooking you your own birthday diner I think you've already won the prize. Hope the day was as enjoyeable as it looks..

  28. I enjoy your posts. Thanks for a fun blog to visit.

  29. Oh what nice give aways! Happy Birthday to you!!

  30. A Belated Happy Birthday Becky. Sorry I missed your blog yesterday because I feelin' poorly. Thanks for your Birthday giveaway.

  31. Thank you for the give away--enjoy reading your blog! Hope you have a Happy New Year!

  32. Happy Birthday to you!!! Hope your day was wonderful! And thank you for the wonderful giveaway! I am a crocheter however it bothers my wrist when I do it so that's why I took up sewing & quilting... Thanks for a chance to win! :)

  33. Happy belated birthday! You are so generous to do a giveaway on your birthday. Love the colours of the jelly roll!

  34. Happy belated birthday! What a neat surprise for your followers. I am happy to be one! :o)
