
Wednesday, December 28, 2011

It's my birthday!

So today is my birthday and because of that, I'm not posting a Weigh-In Weds.   I'm also not saying much more than that except that because I had to work today and because my AWESOME BABY BROTHER
(he's the dad of the previously mentioned niece and nephew) is making me Filet Oscar (filet w/lump crab meat & bernaise sauce. Asparagus on the side) with herbed, goat cheese mashed potatoes for dinner, I'm putting my plans for you are on hold.
Please come back tomorrow and I'll explain what my plans are for you before I became so selfishly engrossed with the following dinner.

Mmm, dinner is ready...
Or how about a closer look?
You hungry yet? :-)

THANK YOU Rick (baby bro), Karen (SIL) and Mike (hubs) for such a great birthday dinner in the comfort of my own home.

To my lovely followers, I'll see YOU tomorrow.



  1. Happy Birthday!!! What a great dinner, you have a wonderful brother to do that for you. Hope it was as good as it looks, cuz it looks fabulous. Yep, I'm hungry

  2. Wow great birthday present - I can see you had a happy one. I looke forward (shudder) to joining you one in Wed Weigh In 2012.

  3. Happy Birthday !!! Your dinner looks absolutely mouth-watering. Here's to a great 2012 for you ;-))

  4. Happy Birthday! Your brother needs to come and cook that meal for me - YUM!

  5. Anonymous12/29/2011


