
Tuesday, December 13, 2011

Sewing Room

I'm posting another "what's been eating all my time" post for you again, instead of quilt stuff just to share.

I have a dedicated sewing room in our new house.  It's not huge but it's big enough to hold my quilting frame (which is stretched to fit a king size quilt) and my domestic machine, plus shelving, etc. It's been a while unpacking and organizing since I've been done a little here and a little there. Re-arranging when  the first ideas proved bothersome instead of organizationally helfpul. I'm finally at the point where there will only be small tweaks here and there.  For example, I'll add some shelves behind the ones already under the frame for things like books/magazines.  One other thing, I'll be adding words to the walls in fabric:  Imagine, Design, Quilt. I saw an item on Pinterest where a person used Heat N Bond and stuck the fabric to the wall with an iron. She said it peeled off without damaging the wall or leaving residue. This room needs painting but since I won't be doing that for at least a year, I thought this was the best time to test ironing fabric to the walls.  

Here's a before picture where I've set up the frame and furniture in their locations but hadn't yet unpacked.
Here are the after pictures.

I hope if you live nearby, you stop in and sew with me. The door will always be open .



  1. If I lived near by, I would be over later this week. I would love to sit n sew with company.

  2. Looks like a great sewing room! If lived near by you can bet I'd be there :)

  3. I'll get there one day . I hope the invitation is open ended. I envy you that room!

  4. I love how you have fabric sorted under your quilting table, that's what I need to do! Is it a pain to crouch down to get at it? I have always put rubbermaids under there, but they don't look so great. I can't wait till I have room to get mine all set up at our new house too! :)

  5. Loved the invitation....Love your room.

  6. Anonymous12/13/2011

    You should have moved that lamp.... can't see the tree that well. And isn't that MW3 on the tv?

    Love you,

  7. If I was closer I would come sew with you!
