
Wednesday, December 14, 2011

Weigh-In Wednesday

I was all set to pop on here and tell you that last week I've been bad.  I mean B. A. D. Bad.

I ate fast food 3x last week (and not small quantities) and I had a large cheeseburger 2x in 2 days (with mayo)! Now that I think about it, however, I suppose I couldn't have been that bad b/c when I did have those things, my other meals were very small and light (yogurt & fruit, etc.).

Exercise did not enter into my vocabulary.  Oh, but I RARELY picked at food and sweets...  Maybe that's the secret!

I weighed in today at 161.5  A loss of 2 lbs since I started.  Wonder what will happen if I put some effort into this?

How are you doing with getting some exercise or better yet, thinking more about your food choices?


  1. I'm holding within my 5# range (165-170)..on the high end. No exercise in November due to circumstances (away from home, sick, etc) and no group swimming/exercise classes in December due to "too many other things"...If I can just hold my own until January.....and not hold anything heavy in calories I might make it status quo....

  2. I'm holding my own, though I did lose 2.4 lbs this week. Doesn't seem like much, but over the past 11 weeks I lost 5.6 lbs, so it's a start!

  3. I'm doing okay with most food choices, but the exercise is non-exisitant and that is my major problem. It's dark at 4:30, who feels like exercising in the dark. I avoid the gym, and drink too much wine. I'll be lucky to stay even until January. Can't we just get it all sucked out????
