
Friday, January 27, 2012

Favorite Things Friday - Ice Cream

Yep, I said it. In the middle  of winter, in the midst of my healthier lifestyle committment, ice cream is my favorite thing.

I was asked the other day what my favorite food was and ice cream made the top. Probably because I haven't had it in so long and also because it is and always has been my "cure all" food. Not chocolate, ice cream.

When hubs and I went on our second date, we passed an ice cream truck and I mentioned this. Then later in the day (we were walking around DC) I was feeling peckish. He saw another truck, suggested the ice cream and low and behold, I was a happy girl again. He learned then how easy to please I'd be. Just give me food or ice cream and my moods would be readily handled (or so he thought).

I'm a simple gal when it comes to ice cream. Just the basics here, the stuff that was cheap when I was a kid are what I hold true to now. I don't want a bunch of crazy flavors unless I'm mixing it up myself and that's not that often. 
Give me neapolitan, chocolate chip, mint chop, or fudge swirl if I'm purchasing from the store. Maybe french vanilla for a treat but I have to eat that with some mini chocolate chips, chocolate syrup and a cherry. 

I'm a wicked sucker for those soft serve carts. Always the same, chocolate/vanilla swirl with rainbow sprinkles.  Oh, I could live off that. My hips can tell you I've tried!
If I'm in bind and I just need some ice cream while I'm out and about but fast food is my only choice, hands down, Wendy's chocolate frosty with the chopped up M&Ms.  Oh lord!

I will add, a new favorite, the Oreo Ice Cream at Cold Stone Creamery.  I dedicated a small portion of a post to it here.

I'm craving ice cream these last couple of days. I'm going to try to drink some milk and see if that curbs the craving but if not, and you don't hear from me this weekend, send help. I've over-indulged and gone into an ice cream induced coma.

Oh, I love ice cream... (disclaimer, these pictures were pulled from Google search for pictures)

Check out other favorites by linking on the FTF button on my side bar. Join in yourself. :)



  1. You and your yummy photos sure know how to break ones commitment to watch the desserts. What a luscious post!

  2. I love Ice Cream! This post just added a few ounces to my frame...

  3. I don't love ice cream, but I do like it and although it's very early in the morning here, you've just made me want to go eat some. Mmmmmm, chocolate, mint choc chip, hazelnut and chocolate, vanilla with choc fudge, yumm.

  4. I get myself a hankering to eat icecream maybe once a year . (I know - Im a complete weirdo)

    At home I'll go for the chocolate-iest stuff I can find. If Im out I go for licorice icecream....

    I'm off to eat some frozen yoghurt for breakfast (and it's all your fault !)

  5. I was thinking about ice cream this week too. now I might have to have some. I like vanilla with stuff on it. Chocolate was my favorite when I was little.

  6. Ice cream is something I never eat so I am glad that you are enjoying it for both of us !!

  7. Oh my...after reading your post I'm so tempted to go to the freezer and scoop up a dish of cookies & cream. But I will resist temptation and live vicariously through your post. Thanks for sharing! I'm headed to get a napkin to wipe the drool...LOL

  8. Ice Cream happens to be one of my favorite things, too. And don't feel too bad about ice cream in January my family just went out last night for ice cream at the Vienna Ice Cafe - I had a German Chocolate sundae. I'm not going to lie- it was amazing.
