My previous post discussed my mother, as it should, on Mother's day but now, I want to share with you what my family did for me. The kids were so creative, well, I have to share. My 12 yr old girl, K, made me a pin cushion because, as she said, I'm always holding pins in my mouth. She cut up an old t-shirt, stuff the pieces inside 2 circles and sewed the circles together. Then she drew the basketball design (because I love and coach basketball) and added a ribbon that said, "smile, laugh, play."

Her cards were cute. The first came with the pin cushion and said, "You know my b-day is coming up so I decided to make getting me a present worth while. So here! I want you to know that I worked hard on this pin cushion so I hope you will enjoy it. Happy Mother's Day. Love, K"
Translate that all to mean, she gave me a thoughtful gift and was sarcastically, in a fun way, telling me to give her one for her birthday in July! lol
The other card came with a piece of a dog's rawhide and read, "Mommy, I decided to get you something for Mother's Day. It was my idea, not K's or Sasha's (the other dog). K assisted me with the crafts and writing but I showed her what I wanted to give you. I will gladly accept it back if you do not want it and for my b-day I would like a nice long rub down in case you are wondering. And for Christmas I would like 2 big strips of beef jerkey and 3 new squeaky tows and another rub down. Remember I will gladly (I mean sadly) accept your present back. Oh by the way, I really like that food you give us and tell Daddy I miss him. With lots of love, -insert a printed picture of Buddy's paw pads-
(Buddy dog Collins) ps Sasha says Happy Mother's Day"
You have to appreciate her humor! My 12 yr old son, P, made me the following:

with a card that said, "Happy Mother's Day, P (p.s. I hope you like the jewelry)" It's beautiful. And this, is the example of what happens between card writing when they hit puberty and when they are still nice and innocent momma's boys at age 9 because my 9 yr. old boy, J, made me the following:

and his card says (spelling errors and all), "Thank you. Dear Mom, I truly thank you for always being there when I needed you. Enjoy. Treasure me forever, J" Last but not least, my DH knows I love fresh flowers but also appreciates that I don't love them enough that I think he should send them these days with higher shipping prices and inventory costs. Therefore, I think it's been a year or two since I've had a flower delivery (he used to send them for most occasions.) I haven't complained once. -hehe- Now, this year, he sent some roses with this card.

A very nice and relaxing Mother's day where I felt loved and appreciated. No complaints from mom, everyone's thoughtfulness and cleverness made me feel special.